how to edit

When you sit down to write copy, don't try to get it perfect the first time. It won't happen. And if you go down this road, you'll find it's a sure way to "copywriters block" - a blank page and a blank mind!
Start with a short list of points that you want to get over - and then just start writing. Only write enough to cover all the points you need - then stop.
Now it's time to start editing - polishing and refining, until you are 95% satisfied with it (you'll never be 100% satisfied).
When you are editing, bear these points in mind, particularly if you are writing for the web:
79% of users scan the page instead of reading word-for-word. So use bullet points, and highlight key words. Highlight only key information-carrying words.
Reading from computer screens is 25% slower than from paper
Web content should have 50% of the word count of its paper equivalent
How To Cut The Length Of Copy
The chances are that whatever you write initially will be far too long. Here's a way to drastically cut copy length. It sounds a ridiculous way - until you have tried it.
Print out your copy (if it's on a word processor) and then, without thinking about the meaning, cross out every third word.
Clearly, you will have crossed out words which are vital to the sense of your copy, and you will need to reinstate them. But what this technique does is to draw your attention to words which may not be important.
You will find that, although your copy may not be cut by as much as a third, you'll probably achieve a 25% reduction.
Improving Readability
You can include a greater number of lists on a web page than on a printed paper page.
Use numbered lists when the order of entries is important.
Use unnumbered lists whenever the sequence of the entries is not important.
Limit the number of items in a single list to no more than nine.
Generally, limit lists to no more than two levels: primary and secondary.
Make sure that the caption uniquely identifies the illustration or table. For example, do not give the same name to the caption as you have given to a head on the same page or another page.
Caption illustrations except when the context is so clear that captions would be redundant.
Don't number illustrations sequentially by chapter, section, or the like. If a screen capture has more than one illustration to which you must refer, use a simple numbering scheme (Figure 1, Figure 2). If you follow the "one topic per screen" guideline, however, figure numbers usually won't be necessary.
Don't include figure captions unless you need them or have a lot of conceptual or reference material.
Don't use a hypertext link if the information can be succinctly presented on the current page.
Don't mention that you are providing links at all.
Use a description of the information to be found in the link, or perhaps the link address.
Use hyperlinks to provide supplemental information like definitions of terms and abbreviations, reference information, and background reading.
When you are satisfied with what you have written, it's time to see if others agree with you. It's time to start testing your copy..

This report is© 2007 Traynor Kitching & Associates ("TKA"), York, UK. You are granted a licence to distribute this report however you wish, provided that none of the material is changed. TKA accepts no responsibility for how you use this material, which is for educational purposes only. No guarantees are intended or implied.

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