>>> TOP TIP # 51 <<<
Writing Little Classifieds That Pay Off Big!
By Grady Smith
Right now, I want you to make a choice...
Are you going to sit by with mediocre advertising results,
or are you going to invest a little bit of time to assure
every classified you write has the pulling power of a 350
horse power, money generating, engine?
The reality of ads is most people do NOT use them
effectively. And bottom line, an effective classified ad
is the workhorse of most businesses.
So, are you using these little wonders to your full
Can you comfortably invest $100 in ads with the assurance
that you’ll pull in $1,200 or more?
If not, then there’s a world I’m about to open to you.
And the secrets you’re going to learn have the potential
to literally shatter your belief that you need to spend a
lot and place thousands of classifieds to turn any real
Forget about cleverly designed sentences and trying to
wow readers with your selection and use of words.
Your headline has one job, to draw the reader in to the
rest of your advertisement.
Any headline you write should make the headline stand
out from the rest, stop the reader dead in their tracks,
and make them curious.
So, what makes people stop and want to learn more about
your offer?
It targets them directly, and then it proposes a
solution to a problem.
When writing your headline, you need to ask yourself
those questions. Do you have your target prospect in
mind while writing the headline, and will it make them
want to read more? And does it offer a solution to a
problem that’s nagging your target prospect?
Once can answer yes to both question, then you’re ready
to move on to step two.
Never, try to close your offer from a simple classified
ad. It just doesn’t work that way. Classifieds are
short, and there isn’t enough room for you to list your
major selling points.
Instead, you want to simple introduce the reader to
your offer and communicate the strongest benefits and
how it will help them. Create a little excitement here.
Give the reader only enough to build curiosity so
they’re driven to find out more.
People will follow when you lead. So tell the reader
exactly what they need to do.
Trying to get information in front of your prospect?
Tell them how they can get it. Want them to sign up
for your newsletter? Show them what they need to do.
By stating in simple terms what to do next, the now
interested reader will follow. And if you’ve followed
these suggestions, you’ll have copy that leads the
reader to their pot of gold every time.
There’s Gold in the Follow-up --
But Only If You Do it Right!
By Dr. Jan Snow
How many times have you sent a prospect information about
one of your products or services only to realize four days
later that you haven’t heard a word back from that
prospect? The prospect didn’t buy anything from you and,
even worse, you lost track of them. You don’t even
remember what they asked for or what you sent them! Was
it your new 'special report' or your new book or product?
Sound familiar? It can and does happen to all of us!
Our businesses are busy. We are tied to our computers
busy emailing prospects and customers all day long.
Business should be BOOMING! Right? But wait! How can
anyone sustain a business if they can’t keep track of
their prospects?
I submit that over time, you simply can’t sustain a
profitable business if you can’t follow-up with your
customers and prospects in a systematic way. Why?
Because they will go elsewhere where they WILL receive
personalized follow-up. If you have been operating
without a system, you are LOSING MONEY every day and
probably don’t even know it.
Remember, you need to get your sales message to your
prospects over and over again before they will 'hear'
the message and purchase something from you. It’s just
human nature. Very few people (less than 1%) will buy
something from you the first time they hear your
message. It is estimated that it takes an average of
seven interactions before a person 'hears' and is ready
to pursue purchasing your product. So when you send
your information and don’t get back to your prospects,
they have probably moved on to something else.
What are the smartest business people doing? They are
recognizing that THERE IS GOLD in the follow-up!
Personalized follow-up! Potential purchasers do need
sustained follow-up and many will be prepared to
purchase something from you, eventually. Once they do,
you can potentially have a customer for a long time, a
customer who buys what you have to sell over and over
So how can you provide high level, personalized
follow-up when you are busy running your business and
chasing your leads? How can you get back to the 10
people who requested something on Monday, the 15 on
Tuesday and the 25 on Friday?
The most successful people have automated their
process for follow-up. So when a prospect goes to
your website for information, they get it
instantaneously. Your response is customized to capture
their name and, thus, personalize your message back to
Furthermore, that prospect automatically goes into your
pre-established database and is sent follow-up messages
at specific intervals established by you.
So say, for example, they click on your message that
says, 'For more information, Click here.' They click,
they automatically get your first message within 90
Within the next several months, say, that prospect can
potentially get 15-25 additional messages from you all
geared to telling that prospect repeatedly about your
products and services. Do you push your product and
services in all 20 messages?
You can educate as well as sell. When you can educate
and provide additional information, you add value. We
work with a system that has, very quickly, increased
our productivity and actually made our prospects
happier and more responsive - all because the
follow-up was measured and organized.
A built-in mechanism allows the prospect to tell you
when they are ready to purchase something. They simply
hit 'reply' and they stop getting the automated
messages and you then can focus on giving that person
exactly what they want. The beauty of the system is
that IT works for you. With a little upfront work to
setup the system, you now are free to focus on building
your business knowing that all of your prospects are
being cultivated.
In this highly competitive market, your chances of
long-term success are slim without systematic follow-up
in the equation. Do what the successful do - go for
the GOLD!
Writing Little Classifieds That Pay Off Big!
By Grady Smith
Right now, I want you to make a choice...
Are you going to sit by with mediocre advertising results,
or are you going to invest a little bit of time to assure
every classified you write has the pulling power of a 350
horse power, money generating, engine?
The reality of ads is most people do NOT use them
effectively. And bottom line, an effective classified ad
is the workhorse of most businesses.
So, are you using these little wonders to your full
Can you comfortably invest $100 in ads with the assurance
that you’ll pull in $1,200 or more?
If not, then there’s a world I’m about to open to you.
And the secrets you’re going to learn have the potential
to literally shatter your belief that you need to spend a
lot and place thousands of classifieds to turn any real
Forget about cleverly designed sentences and trying to
wow readers with your selection and use of words.
Your headline has one job, to draw the reader in to the
rest of your advertisement.
Any headline you write should make the headline stand
out from the rest, stop the reader dead in their tracks,
and make them curious.
So, what makes people stop and want to learn more about
your offer?
It targets them directly, and then it proposes a
solution to a problem.
When writing your headline, you need to ask yourself
those questions. Do you have your target prospect in
mind while writing the headline, and will it make them
want to read more? And does it offer a solution to a
problem that’s nagging your target prospect?
Once can answer yes to both question, then you’re ready
to move on to step two.
Never, try to close your offer from a simple classified
ad. It just doesn’t work that way. Classifieds are
short, and there isn’t enough room for you to list your
major selling points.
Instead, you want to simple introduce the reader to
your offer and communicate the strongest benefits and
how it will help them. Create a little excitement here.
Give the reader only enough to build curiosity so
they’re driven to find out more.
People will follow when you lead. So tell the reader
exactly what they need to do.
Trying to get information in front of your prospect?
Tell them how they can get it. Want them to sign up
for your newsletter? Show them what they need to do.
By stating in simple terms what to do next, the now
interested reader will follow. And if you’ve followed
these suggestions, you’ll have copy that leads the
reader to their pot of gold every time.
There’s Gold in the Follow-up --
But Only If You Do it Right!
By Dr. Jan Snow
How many times have you sent a prospect information about
one of your products or services only to realize four days
later that you haven’t heard a word back from that
prospect? The prospect didn’t buy anything from you and,
even worse, you lost track of them. You don’t even
remember what they asked for or what you sent them! Was
it your new 'special report' or your new book or product?
Sound familiar? It can and does happen to all of us!
Our businesses are busy. We are tied to our computers
busy emailing prospects and customers all day long.
Business should be BOOMING! Right? But wait! How can
anyone sustain a business if they can’t keep track of
their prospects?
I submit that over time, you simply can’t sustain a
profitable business if you can’t follow-up with your
customers and prospects in a systematic way. Why?
Because they will go elsewhere where they WILL receive
personalized follow-up. If you have been operating
without a system, you are LOSING MONEY every day and
probably don’t even know it.
Remember, you need to get your sales message to your
prospects over and over again before they will 'hear'
the message and purchase something from you. It’s just
human nature. Very few people (less than 1%) will buy
something from you the first time they hear your
message. It is estimated that it takes an average of
seven interactions before a person 'hears' and is ready
to pursue purchasing your product. So when you send
your information and don’t get back to your prospects,
they have probably moved on to something else.
What are the smartest business people doing? They are
recognizing that THERE IS GOLD in the follow-up!
Personalized follow-up! Potential purchasers do need
sustained follow-up and many will be prepared to
purchase something from you, eventually. Once they do,
you can potentially have a customer for a long time, a
customer who buys what you have to sell over and over
So how can you provide high level, personalized
follow-up when you are busy running your business and
chasing your leads? How can you get back to the 10
people who requested something on Monday, the 15 on
Tuesday and the 25 on Friday?
The most successful people have automated their
process for follow-up. So when a prospect goes to
your website for information, they get it
instantaneously. Your response is customized to capture
their name and, thus, personalize your message back to
Furthermore, that prospect automatically goes into your
pre-established database and is sent follow-up messages
at specific intervals established by you.
So say, for example, they click on your message that
says, 'For more information, Click here.' They click,
they automatically get your first message within 90
Within the next several months, say, that prospect can
potentially get 15-25 additional messages from you all
geared to telling that prospect repeatedly about your
products and services. Do you push your product and
services in all 20 messages?
You can educate as well as sell. When you can educate
and provide additional information, you add value. We
work with a system that has, very quickly, increased
our productivity and actually made our prospects
happier and more responsive - all because the
follow-up was measured and organized.
A built-in mechanism allows the prospect to tell you
when they are ready to purchase something. They simply
hit 'reply' and they stop getting the automated
messages and you then can focus on giving that person
exactly what they want. The beauty of the system is
that IT works for you. With a little upfront work to
setup the system, you now are free to focus on building
your business knowing that all of your prospects are
being cultivated.
In this highly competitive market, your chances of
long-term success are slim without systematic follow-up
in the equation. Do what the successful do - go for
the GOLD!