1. Discourse analysis is the subject which studies about language use in the level of the sentence that provides students with the opportunity to study the meaningful production and interpretation of texts and talk/spoken.
2. The contexts for using written language are very different from those in which spoken language is used. For example, in the case of information, written language is used to communicate with others who are removed in time and space, or for those occasions on which a permanent or semi-permanent record is required. While must people in other cities or countries could be communicated with by telephone, certain types of message are more appropriate in written form. Halliday (1985b) suggest that written language is used for action (for example, public signs, product labels, television and radio guided, bills, menus, telephone directories, ballot papers, computer manuals); for information (for example, newspaper, current affairs magazines, advertisements, political pamphlets); and for entertainment (for example, comic strips, fiction books, poetry and drama, newspaper features, film subtitles). In written language there is no common situation (face to face), the situation to be inferred from the text. The differences between spoken and written modes are not absolute, and the characteristics that we tend to associate with written language can sometimes occur in spoken language and vice versa. This means that some spoken texts will be more like written texts than others, while some written texts will be more like spoken texts than others. So, written language is more densely packed with information than spoken language.
3. Lunchtime Conversations With Your Friends
Nuha : G’day
Aniv : Hi!
Nuha : How have you been?
Aniv : It’s a dark day.
Nuha : What’s bugging you?
Aniv : Today is not my day.
Nuha : What’s wrong with you?
Aniv : I’ve got a failure score.
Nuha : Whoops... Ha.. Ha..!!!
Don’t cry over spiled milk.
Hang it there.
Aniv : Everything has been over!
Nuha : Everything’s gonna be alright.
Aniv : What are you getting at?
Nuha : I’m gonna help you to solve your problem.
Aniv : Ok, I’ll do my best!
Nuha : There you go!
The Characteristics Way :
a) Topic : Meeting a close friend.
b) Purpose or Function : Giving support to friend.
c) Setting :
• Time : At noon.
• Place : At the canteen.
d) Participants and Their relationship :
• Participants : Between two friends, they are Nuha and Aniv
• Their relationship : Close friend.
e) Message Form : Chat and a dialogue
f) Message Content :
Giving suggestion to the friend
Giving support to the friend
Giving motivation to the friend
Solving problem.
4. a. Referential: The situation where the identity of an item can be retrieved from either within or outside the text.
• Personal (item are expressed through pronoun and determiner)
• Demonstrative (is expressed through determiners and adverbs)
• Comparative (is expressed through adjectives and adverbs and server to compare items within a text in terms of identify or similarity)
The function of referential:
• Anaphoric: Where a word or phrase refers back to another word or phrase used earlier in a text
• Cataphoric: Refers forward to another word or phrase which is used later in the text
b. Substitution: A substitute form is used for another language item, phrase or group. Is divided in nominal, verbal and causal substitution.
c. Ellipsis: Occur when some essential structural elements is omitted from a sentence or clause and can only be recovered by referring to an element in the preceding text. Is divided in nominal, verbal and causal ellipsis.
d. Conjunction: Refers to word such as, and, however, finally and etc.
^ Adversative (however, on other hand), ^ Additive (and), ^ Temporal (first),
^ Causal (because)
e. Genre: The term genre has been use and to refers to different styles of literary discourse such as sonnets, tragedies and romances.
f. Propositional analysis: A proposition is a single statement about some entity or event. A sentence may contain a single preposition or several propositions. A simple sentences such as the cat ate the rat contains a style proposition which would be represented as (ate, cat, rat). Prepositional analysis enables the researcher to compare texts that would not otherwise be comparable.
5. The cohesive relationship which particularly interests them is that which they discuss under the headings reference, substitution, ellipsis and lexical relationship. Cohesion within a text can of course be provided by relationship other than those involving co-reference, cohesion may be derived from lexical relationships like hyponymy (daffodil is a hyponym of flower), part whole (arm is part of a man), collocability (Monday relates to Tuesday). Some aspects of cohesion are exemplified in:
Lord Melbourne, who was Prime Minister when Victoria became Queen in 1837, did not like birdsong and could not distinguish a woodlark from a nightingale. He preferred the singing of blackbirds anyway; best of all he liked the cawing of rooks and could watch them for hours as they circled at sunset. Victoria was surprised by this: she disliked their grating and insistent calling. (Marina Warner, Queen Victories Sketchbook, Macmillan, 1979, p.77)
We can observe a number of co-referential chains:
a. Lord Melbourne-Prime Minister-Ø-He-he-Ø
b. Victoria-Queen-Victoria-she
c. Rooks-them-they-their
We can also observe chains of lexical collocation:
a. Birdsong-woodlark-nightingale-blackbirds-rooks
b. Birdsong-singing-cawing-calling
The concept of cohesion accounts for the essential semantic relations whereby any passage of speech or writing is enabled to function as a text.
6. The term reference is better replaced by the term denotation in considerations of lexical meaning. The term reference can then be taken out of discussions of lexical meaning and reserved for that function whereby speakers (writes) indicate, via the use of a linguistic expression, the entities they are talking (writing) about. Thus, the concept which interests the discourse analyst is not that of correct (true) reference but, successful reference. Successful reference depends on the hearer’s identifying, for the purposes of understanding the current linguistic message, the speaker’s intended referent, on the basis of the referring expression used.
e.g. My father was a stonemason
We would not wish to suggest that the speaker is referring to two distinct individuals by the expressions my father and a stonemason and asserting that these two individuals were, in fact, the same person. So, one of the circumstances in which indefinite noun phrase are not used as referring expressions is when they appear as the complement of the verb ‘to be’.
7. Analysis discourse structure and discourse content.
These are the issues that really matter in our daily lives.
Discourse structure:
Theme: These
Rheme: Are the issues that really matter in our daily lives
There are many factors to improve the developments of the country, one of the way is exchange the students that is said above.
Development, after all, is not simply about growth rates and numbers on a balance sheet.
Discourse structure:
Theme: Development, after all
Rheme: Is not simply about growth rates and numbers on a balance sheet.
To develope the quality of the rates and make balance need to struggle and effort. That is why the government must make relationship each other.
It’s about whether a child can learn the skills they need to make it in a changing world.
Discourse structure:
Theme: It
Rheme: Is about whether a child can learn the skills they need to make it in a changing world
This is a motivation to support the students to be hard, diligent and reach teheir aspiration to be success and must master the world.
It’s about whether a good idea is allowed to grow into a bussiness, and not be suffocated by corruption.
Discourse structure:
Theme: It
Rheme: Is about whether a good idea is allowed to grow into a business, and not be suffocated by corruption
One of the economic problem is The corruption. It can make the country get failure to welfare their society. But if the government can manage well using Business.
It’s about whether those forces that have transformed the Jakarta that I once knew-technology and trade and the flow of people and goods-can translate into a better life for Indonesian, for all human beings, a life marked by dignity and opportunity.
Discourse structure:
Theme: It
Rheme: Is about whether those forces that have transformed the Jakarta that I once knew-technology and trade and the flow of people and goods-can translate into a better life for Indonesian, for all human beings, a life marked by dignity and opportunity
He told about their experience when he lived in jakarta. He didnt know about the technology. But now he feel that jakarta experience many changing. There are many factors that can influence, those are: trade, technology information Etc. That is the oppotunity to make better the human life, expecialy in indonesia.
This kind of development is inseperable form the role of democracy.
Discourse structure:
Theme: This kind of development
Rheme: Is inseperable form the role of democracy
He said the kind of the form on the role of democracy. Democracy is freedom to be life as well as possible.
Today we sometimes hear that democracy stands in the way of economic progress.
Discourse structure:
Theme: We
Rheme: Today------------- sometimes hear that democracy stands in the way of economic progress
Democracy can be used to increase the development of economy in every country.
This is not a new argument.
Discourse structure:
Theme: This
Rheme: is not a new argument
The President of Obama said that this statement has been realized at long time a go, but it is still related to this time.
Particularly in times of change and economic uncertainty, Some will say that it is easier to take a shortcut to development by trading a way the rights of human beings for the power of the state.
Discourse structure:
Theme: Some people
Rheme: Particularly in times of change and economic uncertainty,---------- will say that it is easier to take a shortcut to development by trading a way the rights of human beings for the power of the state.
Unfortunetely, by changing the economic to make better, one of the way is developed trading. This is the strange to make country has the quality of the economic.
But that is not what I saw on my trip to India, and that is not what I see here in Indonesia.
Discourse structure:
Theme: That
Rheme: But ------------- is not what I saw on my trip to India, and that is not what I see here in Indonesia
He know that india and indonesia also use the democracy sistem in their country. I knew this statement by experience in his journey.
Your achievements demonstrate that democracy, you have known setbacks a long the way.
Discourse structure:
Theme: Your achievements
Rheme: demonstrate that democracy, you have known setbacks a long the way.
He told the previous history when Indonesia get the freedom.
America is not different.
Discourse structure:
Theme: America
Rheme: is not different
He said that America has simillar system with Indonesia, that is democracy.
Our own constitution spoke of the effort to forge “ a more perfect union, “ and that is a journey we have traveled ever since, we have endured Civil War and we struggles to extend rights to all of our citizens.
Discourse structure:
Theme: Our own constitution
Rheme: Spoke of the effort to forge “ a more perfect union, “ and that is a journey we have traveled ever since, we have endured Civil War and we struggles to extend rights to all of our citizens
From the history the society can take principle that we can not stand without helped each other. The civil war can support the spirit of the citizen to struggle hard and make the effort to reach their aspirasion better more and more. This way can improve the human right of the society that he can get the welfare.
But it is precisely this effort that has allowed us to become stronger and more prosperous, while also becoming a more just and free society.
Discourse structure:
Theme: It
Rheme: But------------- precisely this effort that has allowed us to become stronger and more prosperous, while also becoming a more just and free society
Freedom make the society get better life in future.
Like other countries that emerged from colonial rule in the last century, Indonesia struggled and sacrificed for the right to determine your destiny.
Discourse structure:
Theme: Indonesia
Rheme: Like other countries that emerged from colonial rule in the last century ------------- Indonesia struggled and sacrificed for the right to determine your destiny
Sincerely of sacrificed is capable to move the rule of the system.
That is what heroes day is all about an Indonesia that belongs to Indonesians.
Discourse structure:
Theme: That
Rheme: Is what heroes day is all about an Indonesia that belongs to Indonesians
Heroes of Indonesia give many knowledge how to do this life as usefull as possible.
But you also ultimately decided that freedom cannot mean replacing the strong hand of a colonizer with a strongman of your own.
Discourse structure:
Theme: You
Rheme: But ------------- also ultimately decided that freedom cannot mean replacing the strong hand of a colonizer with a strongman of your own
Freedom is not only free in the life but also free in the imagination to make the ability can be increased and the capability will be improved
yang ini dan beberapa lagi, saya ambil dari file teman saya adzikiyaunnuha (moga gak
salah mengejanya) di komputer pondok pesantren manbaul falah surabaya dan ia lagi studi di iain jurusan bahasa inggris, mau kenalan? ia anak banyuwangi anggota menwa lagii ,heee.... sori mas nuha
1. Discourse analysis is the subject which studies about language use in the level of the sentence that provides students with the opportunity to study the meaningful production and interpretation of texts and talk/spoken.
2. The contexts for using written language are very different from those in which spoken language is used. For example, in the case of information, written language is used to communicate with others who are removed in time and space, or for those occasions on which a permanent or semi-permanent record is required. While must people in other cities or countries could be communicated with by telephone, certain types of message are more appropriate in written form. Halliday (1985b) suggest that written language is used for action (for example, public signs, product labels, television and radio guided, bills, menus, telephone directories, ballot papers, computer manuals); for information (for example, newspaper, current affairs magazines, advertisements, political pamphlets); and for entertainment (for example, comic strips, fiction books, poetry and drama, newspaper features, film subtitles). In written language there is no common situation (face to face), the situation to be inferred from the text. The differences between spoken and written modes are not absolute, and the characteristics that we tend to associate with written language can sometimes occur in spoken language and vice versa. This means that some spoken texts will be more like written texts than others, while some written texts will be more like spoken texts than others. So, written language is more densely packed with information than spoken language.
3. Lunchtime Conversations With Your Friends
Nuha : G’day
Aniv : Hi!
Nuha : How have you been?
Aniv : It’s a dark day.
Nuha : What’s bugging you?
Aniv : Today is not my day.
Nuha : What’s wrong with you?
Aniv : I’ve got a failure score.
Nuha : Whoops... Ha.. Ha..!!!
Don’t cry over spiled milk.
Hang it there.
Aniv : Everything has been over!
Nuha : Everything’s gonna be alright.
Aniv : What are you getting at?
Nuha : I’m gonna help you to solve your problem.
Aniv : Ok, I’ll do my best!
Nuha : There you go!
The Characteristics Way :
a) Topic : Meeting a close friend.
b) Purpose or Function : Giving support to friend.
c) Setting :
• Time : At noon.
• Place : At the canteen.
d) Participants and Their relationship :
• Participants : Between two friends, they are Nuha and Aniv
• Their relationship : Close friend.
e) Message Form : Chat and a dialogue
f) Message Content :
Giving suggestion to the friend
Giving support to the friend
Giving motivation to the friend
Solving problem.
4. a. Referential: The situation where the identity of an item can be retrieved from either within or outside the text.
• Personal (item are expressed through pronoun and determiner)
• Demonstrative (is expressed through determiners and adverbs)
• Comparative (is expressed through adjectives and adverbs and server to compare items within a text in terms of identify or similarity)
The function of referential:
• Anaphoric: Where a word or phrase refers back to another word or phrase used earlier in a text
• Cataphoric: Refers forward to another word or phrase which is used later in the text
b. Substitution: A substitute form is used for another language item, phrase or group. Is divided in nominal, verbal and causal substitution.
c. Ellipsis: Occur when some essential structural elements is omitted from a sentence or clause and can only be recovered by referring to an element in the preceding text. Is divided in nominal, verbal and causal ellipsis.
d. Conjunction: Refers to word such as, and, however, finally and etc.
^ Adversative (however, on other hand), ^ Additive (and), ^ Temporal (first),
^ Causal (because)
e. Genre: The term genre has been use and to refers to different styles of literary discourse such as sonnets, tragedies and romances.
f. Propositional analysis: A proposition is a single statement about some entity or event. A sentence may contain a single preposition or several propositions. A simple sentences such as the cat ate the rat contains a style proposition which would be represented as (ate, cat, rat). Prepositional analysis enables the researcher to compare texts that would not otherwise be comparable.
5. The cohesive relationship which particularly interests them is that which they discuss under the headings reference, substitution, ellipsis and lexical relationship. Cohesion within a text can of course be provided by relationship other than those involving co-reference, cohesion may be derived from lexical relationships like hyponymy (daffodil is a hyponym of flower), part whole (arm is part of a man), collocability (Monday relates to Tuesday). Some aspects of cohesion are exemplified in:
Lord Melbourne, who was Prime Minister when Victoria became Queen in 1837, did not like birdsong and could not distinguish a woodlark from a nightingale. He preferred the singing of blackbirds anyway; best of all he liked the cawing of rooks and could watch them for hours as they circled at sunset. Victoria was surprised by this: she disliked their grating and insistent calling. (Marina Warner, Queen Victories Sketchbook, Macmillan, 1979, p.77)
We can observe a number of co-referential chains:
a. Lord Melbourne-Prime Minister-Ø-He-he-Ø
b. Victoria-Queen-Victoria-she
c. Rooks-them-they-their
We can also observe chains of lexical collocation:
a. Birdsong-woodlark-nightingale-blackbirds-rooks
b. Birdsong-singing-cawing-calling
The concept of cohesion accounts for the essential semantic relations whereby any passage of speech or writing is enabled to function as a text.
6. The term reference is better replaced by the term denotation in considerations of lexical meaning. The term reference can then be taken out of discussions of lexical meaning and reserved for that function whereby speakers (writes) indicate, via the use of a linguistic expression, the entities they are talking (writing) about. Thus, the concept which interests the discourse analyst is not that of correct (true) reference but, successful reference. Successful reference depends on the hearer’s identifying, for the purposes of understanding the current linguistic message, the speaker’s intended referent, on the basis of the referring expression used.
e.g. My father was a stonemason
We would not wish to suggest that the speaker is referring to two distinct individuals by the expressions my father and a stonemason and asserting that these two individuals were, in fact, the same person. So, one of the circumstances in which indefinite noun phrase are not used as referring expressions is when they appear as the complement of the verb ‘to be’.
7. Analysis discourse structure and discourse content.
These are the issues that really matter in our daily lives.
Discourse structure:
Theme: These
Rheme: Are the issues that really matter in our daily lives
There are many factors to improve the developments of the country, one of the way is exchange the students that is said above.
Development, after all, is not simply about growth rates and numbers on a balance sheet.
Discourse structure:
Theme: Development, after all
Rheme: Is not simply about growth rates and numbers on a balance sheet.
To develope the quality of the rates and make balance need to struggle and effort. That is why the government must make relationship each other.
It’s about whether a child can learn the skills they need to make it in a changing world.
Discourse structure:
Theme: It
Rheme: Is about whether a child can learn the skills they need to make it in a changing world
This is a motivation to support the students to be hard, diligent and reach teheir aspiration to be success and must master the world.
It’s about whether a good idea is allowed to grow into a bussiness, and not be suffocated by corruption.
Discourse structure:
Theme: It
Rheme: Is about whether a good idea is allowed to grow into a business, and not be suffocated by corruption
One of the economic problem is The corruption. It can make the country get failure to welfare their society. But if the government can manage well using Business.
It’s about whether those forces that have transformed the Jakarta that I once knew-technology and trade and the flow of people and goods-can translate into a better life for Indonesian, for all human beings, a life marked by dignity and opportunity.
Discourse structure:
Theme: It
Rheme: Is about whether those forces that have transformed the Jakarta that I once knew-technology and trade and the flow of people and goods-can translate into a better life for Indonesian, for all human beings, a life marked by dignity and opportunity
He told about their experience when he lived in jakarta. He didnt know about the technology. But now he feel that jakarta experience many changing. There are many factors that can influence, those are: trade, technology information Etc. That is the oppotunity to make better the human life, expecialy in indonesia.
This kind of development is inseperable form the role of democracy.
Discourse structure:
Theme: This kind of development
Rheme: Is inseperable form the role of democracy
He said the kind of the form on the role of democracy. Democracy is freedom to be life as well as possible.
Today we sometimes hear that democracy stands in the way of economic progress.
Discourse structure:
Theme: We
Rheme: Today------------- sometimes hear that democracy stands in the way of economic progress
Democracy can be used to increase the development of economy in every country.
This is not a new argument.
Discourse structure:
Theme: This
Rheme: is not a new argument
The President of Obama said that this statement has been realized at long time a go, but it is still related to this time.
Particularly in times of change and economic uncertainty, Some will say that it is easier to take a shortcut to development by trading a way the rights of human beings for the power of the state.
Discourse structure:
Theme: Some people
Rheme: Particularly in times of change and economic uncertainty,---------- will say that it is easier to take a shortcut to development by trading a way the rights of human beings for the power of the state.
Unfortunetely, by changing the economic to make better, one of the way is developed trading. This is the strange to make country has the quality of the economic.
But that is not what I saw on my trip to India, and that is not what I see here in Indonesia.
Discourse structure:
Theme: That
Rheme: But ------------- is not what I saw on my trip to India, and that is not what I see here in Indonesia
He know that india and indonesia also use the democracy sistem in their country. I knew this statement by experience in his journey.
Your achievements demonstrate that democracy, you have known setbacks a long the way.
Discourse structure:
Theme: Your achievements
Rheme: demonstrate that democracy, you have known setbacks a long the way.
He told the previous history when Indonesia get the freedom.
America is not different.
Discourse structure:
Theme: America
Rheme: is not different
He said that America has simillar system with Indonesia, that is democracy.
Our own constitution spoke of the effort to forge “ a more perfect union, “ and that is a journey we have traveled ever since, we have endured Civil War and we struggles to extend rights to all of our citizens.
Discourse structure:
Theme: Our own constitution
Rheme: Spoke of the effort to forge “ a more perfect union, “ and that is a journey we have traveled ever since, we have endured Civil War and we struggles to extend rights to all of our citizens
From the history the society can take principle that we can not stand without helped each other. The civil war can support the spirit of the citizen to struggle hard and make the effort to reach their aspirasion better more and more. This way can improve the human right of the society that he can get the welfare.
But it is precisely this effort that has allowed us to become stronger and more prosperous, while also becoming a more just and free society.
Discourse structure:
Theme: It
Rheme: But------------- precisely this effort that has allowed us to become stronger and more prosperous, while also becoming a more just and free society
Freedom make the society get better life in future.
Like other countries that emerged from colonial rule in the last century, Indonesia struggled and sacrificed for the right to determine your destiny.
Discourse structure:
Theme: Indonesia
Rheme: Like other countries that emerged from colonial rule in the last century ------------- Indonesia struggled and sacrificed for the right to determine your destiny
Sincerely of sacrificed is capable to move the rule of the system.
That is what heroes day is all about an Indonesia that belongs to Indonesians.
Discourse structure:
Theme: That
Rheme: Is what heroes day is all about an Indonesia that belongs to Indonesians
Heroes of Indonesia give many knowledge how to do this life as usefull as possible.
But you also ultimately decided that freedom cannot mean replacing the strong hand of a colonizer with a strongman of your own.
Discourse structure:
Theme: You
Rheme: But ------------- also ultimately decided that freedom cannot mean replacing the strong hand of a colonizer with a strongman of your own
Freedom is not only free in the life but also free in the imagination to make the ability can be increased and the capability will be improved
yang ini dan beberapa lagi, saya ambil dari file teman saya adzikiyaunnuha (moga gak
salah mengejanya) di komputer pondok pesantren manbaul falah surabaya dan ia lagi studi di iain jurusan bahasa inggris, mau kenalan? ia anak banyuwangi anggota menwa lagii ,heee.... sori mas nuha