Wahai Muslim! Berdoalah untuk Kedatangan Khalifatullah
Sultan al-Awliya
Mawlana Syekh Nazim al-Haqqani
27 Januari 2012 Lefke, Siprus
Suhbah setelah Salat Jum`at

(Mawlana Syekh berdiri) Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, laa ilaaha illa-Llah, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, wa lillahi 'l-hamd! Alfu shalaat, alfu salaam Sayyidi 'l-Awwaliin wa’l-akhiriin Sayyidina Muhammad (s). (Mawlana Syekh duduk)
A`uudzu billahi min asy-Syaythaani ‘r-rajiim. Bismillahi 'r-Rahmaani 'r-Rahiim. As-salaamu `alaykum, yaa RijaalAllah.

Wahai manusia! Berusahalah untuk menjadi hamba yang baik. Ini adalah bulan suci, Mawlid an-Nabi atau “Milad un-Nabi.” Lakukanlah shalaatu ‘s-salaam untuk Sayyidi ‘l-akhiriin. Kita bahagia bahwa kita telah mencapai bulan yang paling suci ini, Rabi`u ’l-Awal, dan bahwa Allah (swt) telah mengutus hamba-Nya yang paling dicintai-Nya, Sayyidina Muhammad (s) sebagai Rahmatan lil `alamiin. (Mawlana Syekh berdiri dan kemudian duduk kembali).

Wahai manusia! Saya menyesal untuk mengatakan bahwa bahkan dunia Muslim pun tidak mengikuti nasihat dari Khatamul Anbiya (s) dan kini begitu banyak hukuman menimpa manusia. Mari kita ucapkan, “Astaghfirullah, astaghfirullah wa atuubu ilayk, yaa Rabbana.”

Wahai manusia! Atas perintah suci Allah (swt), para awliya untuk dunia Muslim berbicara untuk mengingatkan manusia bahwa Hari Kiamat semakin dekat dan setiap orang akan mati. Ke mana mereka akan pergi? Setiap orang akan menuju Hadirat Ilahi Allah (swt), jadi berusahalah untuk hidup agar wajah kalian mempunyai cahaya Islam. Jagalah diri kalian dan jagalah nuur kalian yang telah dianugerahkan Allah (swt) kepada kalian.

Wahai manusia! Jangan bertikai satu sama lain. Allah (swt) melarang membunuh hamba-hamba-Nya, dan sekarang para diktator membunuh orang-orang yang tidak bersalah dari bangsa Palestina, Mesir, Turki, Suriah, Baghdad, dan orang-orang Asia. Mereka harus meminta agar Allah mengirimkan kepada mereka seseorang dari Pahlawan-Nya, seorang Sultan untuk mengumpulkan kalian di bawah bendera suci Khatamul Anbiya (s)!
Wahai manusia! Datang dan dengarkanlah, karena jika kalian tidak mendengarkan, hukuman surgawi akan mendekat hari demi hari (dan bisa menimpa kalian).

Wahai dunia Arab! Datang dan mintalah untuk kedatangan khalifatullah dan berikan ikrar kalian kepadanya dan duduklah dan ikuti perintah suci dari Surga. Tidak ada jalan lain! Kita berada di masa yang sangat sulit dan hukuman Allah, sedikit demi sedikit, datang kepada manusia. Mereka mengatakan, “Kami berasal dari alam”, tetapi Allah (swt), Yang menciptakan segala sesuatu termasuk alam, telah memperingatkan kalian, “Wahai manusia! Waspadalah karena Hari Kiamat semakin dekat dan setiap orang akan meninggal dunia dengan cepat hingga akhir dari abad kelima belas dari Islam.”
Semoga Allah (swt) mengampuni kita. Saya adalah (hamba) yang lemah dan saya meminta dari hamba Allah yang paling dicintai-Nya (s), demi kemuliaannya, agar saya dapat mencapai hal-hal yang baik. (…) Saya tidak tahu, saya tidak tahu, saya tidak tahu. Semua awliya diminta untuk melakukan sesuatu, tetapi segala sesuatu akan mencapai titik akhirnya, bergerak ke sana sampai segala sesuatu--dengan kun fayakuun, ketika Allah (swt) berfirman, “Jadilah!” dan segala sesuatu akan menjadi sebagaimana Perintah Surgawinya.

Jangan mengejar dunia, tetapi kejarlah rida Tuhan kalian dan bukan yang lain. Jika Dia rida dengan kalian, kalian akan diridai selamanya, jika Dia tidak rida dengan kalian, kalian akan mengalami berbagai masalah selamanya dan akan kehilangan kesempatan untuk masuk Surga!

Wahai manusia! Berdoalah untuk saya, dan untuk setiap orang agar kita dapat mencapai masa-masa yang cemerlang bersama Imam al-Mahdi (a), dan bersama Nabi Isa (a) dan Khatamul Anbiya (s)! Saya memohon ampunan.

Wahai manusia! Jagalah jalan untuk mencapai Khatamul Anbiya (s), dan kalian akan bahagia di dunia dan akhirat.

Semoga Allah (swt) mengampuni saya, kalian dan semua orang. Semoga Allah mengirimkan Imam al-Mahdi (a) kepada kita, semoga kita diberikan jalan yang benar, dan semoga Allah mengaruniakan Rahmat-Nya kepada saya, kalian dan seluruh manusia; dan membuat Setan hancur. Semoga Allah mengirimkan Samudra Rahmat-Nya kepada kita, setetes dari samudra itu sudah cukup!

As-salaamu `alaykum.

Peristiwa yang akan Terjadi pada Masa Imam al-Mahdi (a)
Sultan al-Awliya
Mawlana Syekh Nazim al-Haqqani
24 Desember 2011 Lefke, Cyprus

(Diterjemahkan dari bahasa Arab (kemudian Inggris))

Armaggedon dan penaklukan Konstantinopel terjadi dalam enam bulan dan pada bulan ketujuh al-Dajjal akan muncul. Armageddon akan mempunyai dua kelompok. Konstantinopel akan dibuka dengan takbir. Sayyidina `Isa (a) akan memerintah selama 40 tahun, kemudian dunia akan dipimpinnya dengan damai selama 40 tahun, tanpa perang atau masalah. Sebelum itu, selama Armageddon, akan ada kesulitan yang luar biasa. Allahu Akbar! Amaan yaa Rabbii!

“Banu Asfar” (orang-orang berambut pirang), orang Rusia, akan turun ke Dataran Amouq di utara Suriah dengan 80 resimen dan 80 bendera, dan di bawah masing-masing bendera terdapat 12,000 tentara. Yaa Lathif! Itu artinya satu juta tentara ada di Dataran Amouq! Untuk itulah, Rusia pergi ke sana. Selain itu, datang pula tentara Muslim, dari utara, dari Istanbul, dan Mahdi (a) akan datang bersama mereka tetapi tidak nampak. Ketika perang ini selesai, beliau akan bertakbir, “Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar!” dan kemudian beliau akan muncul dan berjalan menuju Istanbul, ke Asitana (Istana Kesultanan Ottoman) dan mengambil panji Rasulullah (s). Beliau akan muncul di Suriah dan memerintah di sana. Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, al-Akbar!

Semoga Allah menyelamatkan kita dari korupsi/fasad yang terjadi di akhir zaman. Ya Allah! Dunia ini akan berakhir, selesai, kita telah sampai pada tahapan akhir. Nabi Isa (a) akan datang ke Suriah. Allahu Akbar! Dajjal akan muncul setelah munculnya Mahdi (a), kemudian Nabi Isa (a) akan turun dan membunuh Dajjal.
Allahu Akbar! Yaa Rabbii! Kami momohon keselamatan dan perlindungan kepada-Mu dari korupsi/fasad/kehancuran di akhir zaman. Semoga Allah membuat kita berada di bawah panji Kekasih-Nya di dunia dan di akhirat. Yaa Rabbii! Jagalah kami, anak-anak kami, dan orang-orang yang kami cintai agar mereka selamat.

Yaa Kariim! Yaa Allah! Yaa Rahiim! Yaa Allah! Yaa Jaliil! Yaa Allah! Yaa Waduud! Yaa Allah! Allah Allah. Ampunilah kami dan sembuhkanlah kami dan semua Muslim demi Sultan kami, Sultan bagi manusia dan jin, Sayyidina al-Mahdi (a)!

Amiin yaa Rabbii, amiin yaa Rabbii. (Sebagaimana disebutkan di dalam hadiits,) Jika korupsi/fasad muncul, maka keselamatan berada di Suriah, di tanah Syam.

O Muslims! Pray for Khalifatullah to Come
Sultan al-Awliya
Mawlana Shaykh Nazim al-Haqqani
27 January 2012 Lefke, Cyprus
Suhbah After Jumu`ah Salaat

(Mawlana Shaykh stands) Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, laa ilaaha illa-Llah, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, wa lillahi 'l-hamd! Alfu salaat, alfu salaam Sayyidi 'l-Awwaleen wa’l-akhireen Sayyidina Muhammad (s). (Mawlana Shaykh sits)
A`oodhu billahi min ash-Shaytaani ‘r-rajeem. Bismillahi 'r-Rahmaani 'r-Raheem. As-salaamu `alaykum, yaa RijaalAllah.

O People! Try to be good servants. It is a holy month, Mawlid an-Nabi or “Milad un-Nabi.” Make salaatu ‘s-salaam for Sayyidi ‘l-akhireen. We are happy that we have reached the most holy month, Rabi`u ’l-Awwal, and that Allah Almighty sent His most beloved servant, Sayyidina Muhammad (s) to be a Mercy for all Nations. (Mawlana Shaykh stands and sits)

O People! I am sorry to say that even the Muslim world is not following the advices of the Seal of Prophets (s) and now so many heavy punishments are coming on Mankind. Come and say, “Astaghfirullah, astaghfirullah wa atoobu ilayk, yaa Rabbana.”
O People! According to the high command of Allah Almighty, awliya of the Muslim world are saying to remind people that the Last Day is approaching and everyone is going to die. Where are they going? Everyone will pass and be in the Divine Presence of Allah Almighty, so try to live so that your face will have the light of Islam. Keep (maintain) yourself and keep your noor that Allah Almighty granted to you.

O People! Don't fight each other. Allah (swt) forbids killing His servants, and now tyrants are killing innocent Palestinians, Egyptians, Turkish, Syrians, Baghdadi and Asian people. They must ask Allah Almighty to send to you one of His heroes, His sultan to collect you under the holy flag of the Seal of Prophets (s)!
O People! Come and listen, bceause if you are not listening heavenly punishment is approaching day by day (and may befall you).

O Arab World! Come and ask for khalifatullah and give your oath to him and sit down and follow the holy orders of Heavens. There is no other way! We are in a very difficult time and Allah Almighty's punishment, little by little, is coming on people. They are saying, “We come from nature,” but Allah Almighty, Who created everything including nature, is cautioning you, “O People! Be cautious because the Last Day is approaching and everyone is going to pass away quickly until the end of the fifteenth century of Islam.”

May Allah (swt) forgive us. I am weak and I am asking from Allah Almighty’s Most Beloved Servant (s), for his honor, to reach good things. (…) I don't know, I don't know, I don't know. All awliya are asking to do something, but everything must reach its final point, moving there until everything will be by kun fayakoon, when Allah (swt) says, “Be!” and everything will be in its heavenly order.

Don't run after dunya, but run to reach your Lord's pleasure and nothing else. If He is pleased with you, you will be pleased forever; if He is not pleased with you, for infinity you will have troubles and lose your chance for Paradise!

O People! Pray for me and pray for everyone that we are able to reach to the brilliant days with Imam al-Mahdi (a), and with Jesus Christ, peace be upon him and the Seal of Prophet (s)! I am asking for forgiveness.

O Mankind! Keep the ways to reach the Seal of Prophets (s), and then you will be happy here and Hereafter.
May Allah Almighty forgive me, you and everyone. May Allah send us Imam al-Mahdi (a), may we ask the right ways and may Allah give His Mercy on me, you and Mankind, making Shaytan down. May Allah send us His Mercy Oceans, of which one drop is enough!

As-salaamu `alaykum.

© Copyright 2012 Sufilive. This transcript is protected by international copyright law.
Please attribute Sufilive when sharing it. JazakAllahu khayr.

Upcoming Events in the Time of Imam al-Mahdi (a)
Sultan al-Awliya
Mawlana Shaykh Nazim al-Haqqani
24 December 2011 Lefke, Cyprus
(Translated from Arabic)

Armaggedon and the conquest of Constantinople occur within six months and in the seventh month al-Dajjal will appear. Armageddon will have two groups. Constantinople will be opened with takbeer. Sayyidina `Isa (a) will rule for 40 years, then the world will be ruled in peace for 40 years, without war or troubles. Before that and during Armageddon, there will be tremendous hardship. Allahu Akbar! Amaan yaa Rabbee!
The “Banu Asfar” (blonde people), the Russians, will go down to the Plain of Amouq in northern Syria with 80 regiments and 80 flags, and under each flag will be 12,000 soldiers. Yaa Latif! It means a million soldiers on the Plain of Amouq! For that reason, Russians are going there. Also coming from the north, from Istanbul, will be Muslim soldiers and Mahdi (a) will come with them but will not appear. When this war is over, he will takbeer, “Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar!” and then he will appear and march to Istanbul, to Asitana (Ottoman Sultan's Palace) and take the Prophet's (s) banner. He will appear in Syria and rule there. Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar al-Akbar!

May Allah keep us safe from the corruption of the End of Times. O Allah! This world will be over, finished; we have reached the last stage. Prophet Jesus (a) will come to Syria. Allahu Akbar! The Anti-Christ will appear after the appearance of Mahdi (a), then Prophet Jesus (a) will descend to kill the Anti-Christ.

Allahu Akbar! Yaa Rabbee! We ask You for safety and protection from the corruption of the End of Times. May Allah make us under the banner of His Beloved here and in the Hereafter. Yaa Rabbee! Keep us, our children and loved ones safe.

Yaa Kareem! Yaa Allah! Yaa Raheem! Yaa Allah! Yaa Jaleel! Yaa Allah! Yaa Wadood! Yaa Allah! Allah Allah. Forgive us and heal us and all Muslims for the sake of our sultan, the sultan of human and jinn, Sayyidina al-Mahdi (a)!

Ameen yaa Rabbee, ameen yaa Rabbee. (As mentioned in the hadeeth,) If corruption appears, safety is in Syria, the land of Sham.

from eshaykh.com


Aslamu Alaykum to everyone.

How many signs (of judgement day) are they left to happen and how many have happened?


Wa `alaykum as-Salam wa rahmatullah.

Whether the Signs of the Judgment Day are reckoned as five or ten, none of them have come to pass.

Please see the post “Signs of Last Days: Major & Minor” for an enumeration of the Signs properly so-called, as well as for an evaluation of the myriad other indications presaging these Signs. For more details on this subject, and for advice on how best to prepare, please consult The Approach of Armageddon? An Islamic Perspective by Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani.

Concerning those other indications of the Last Days, the Sultan ul-awliya Shaykh Nazim al-Haqqani – may Allah sanctify his secret – explained that the Lord of Time al-Mahdi – peace be upon him – “is going to appear after 101 hindrances. He must cut all of those before he can appear. It means that the time of his appearance must be just correct. 99 of the hindrances have passed away. Now only two of them are remaining…the first sign: Russians coming into Turkey. By Awliyas this is expected to happen soon. After this, the Third War will come…There must be a Great War between East and West and the West will be victorious over the East…During the war Mahdi `alayhi Salam will come…”

Mahmoud Shelton


Assalamu ‘alaikum wa rahmatullah,

Sheikh Gibril,

I know that the signs of the Last Day are divided into major and minor however, I’m not sure what the criterion for distinguishing between the minor and major signs is?

JazakumALLAH khairan,
Wa ‘alaikum as-salaam,


Alaykum as-Salam,

The criterion is that the major signs are (i) extremely near in time to the Day of Resurrection, (ii) occur in quick succession “like pearls falling off a broken necklace” (hadith in Sunan al-Tirmidhi), possibly even “in the last hour of a single day” (al-Sha`rani, al-Yawaqit wal-Jawahir chapter 65), and (iii) are mostly “khilaf al-`ada” (Abu al-`Abbas al-Qurtubi the teacher of the great mufassir), i.e. what we would call supernatural.

Furthermore those major signs are only 10 and the rest are all “early” or “middle” signs.

Those ten signs as listed by Shaykh Yusuf al-Nabhani in his 100-page abridgment of Sayyid Muhammad b. `Abd al-Rasul al-Barzanji’s 400-page al-Isha`a li-Ashrat al-Sa`a are:

1. The emergence of the Masih al-Dajjal (preceded by that of al-Mahdi, upon him peace)
2. The descent of `Isa (upon him peace)
3. The emergence of Ya’juj and Ma’juj
4. The ruin of Madina which precedes the Day of Resurrection by 40 years.
5. The destruction of the Ka`aba and theft of its adornments
6. The rising of the sun from the West
7. The emergence of the Beast
8. The emergence of the Smoke
9. A sweet wind will seize the lives of all the believers and spare only the unbelievers
10. The Qur’an will be lifted from the books and the hearts.

May Allah grant us and all believers safety here and hereafter.

Hajj Gibril Haddad

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