research your customers

Always research your customers until you know them like your own best friend.
Many times you will see reports on how to write killer sales materials that cover many of the basics, but they forget the most important part.

The major key to writing million dollar sales letters is to know your customers like you do your own best friend.

I make no apologies for repeating this sentence. It is so important!
You need to know what their needs and desires are. You need to know what fears they are experiencing. You need to know what their Hot Buttons are. What is it that they respond to? What is it that would offend them?

If you don't know your prospects, then you can never write an effective sales letter to them. I don't care if you are best writer in the world. If you don't know them, you won't be able to make sales to them.
Good copywriters take polls of the customers. They look at sales letters their customers have already responded to. They go out and ask questions of their potential customers. They do everything they possibly can to know who their biggest potential prospect is.
Finding A Prospect's 'Hot Button'

If you can't tell me everything about your potential prospects, then you aren't ready to start writing yet. You should know their general age, their hot button, their dreams, their fears, and everything that relates somehow to your product.

The key to a good sales letter is being able to describe the benefits of your product to this individual prospect or customer. It needs to be personalized to them individually.
No-One Wants Your Product

It's True. What you are selling to them is not your product. Your product is only the vehicle to help them to achieve what they really want. And it's no use trotting out a complete list of every benefit you can think of. You need to home in to those key benefits that most people want to buy. And don't assume that you know what these are. You may not be the best judge. But your prospects most certainly are!
Read on.. The Importance Of The Headline

This report is© 2007 Traynor Kitching & Associates ("TKA"), York, UK. You are granted a licence to distribute this report however you wish, provided that none of the material is changed. TKA accepts no responsibility for how you use this material, which is for educational purposes only. No guarantees are intended or implied.

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