Eye cancer related to the perspective and mindset

Eye cancer is a general term used to describe many types of tumors that occur in various parts of the eye. It occurs when cells in or around the eye change and grow uncontrollably, forming a mass called a tumor. A tumor may be benign (noncancerous) or malignant (cancerous, meaning cells can spread to other parts of the body). Cancer that forms in the eyeball is called an intraocular malignancy.

Medical doctors who specialize in the diseases and function of the eye are called ophthalmologists (or “eye MDs”). These doctors can diagnose and treat intraocular melanoma. Optometrists are another type of eye doctor. They prescribe eyeglasses and contact lenses. They are not medical doctors and are not trained to treat intraocular cancer.
Parts of the eye

The eye is the organ that collects light and sends messages to the brain to form a picture. The three main parts of the eye are:
    Orbit (eye socket)
    Adnexal (accessory) structures (such as the eyelid and tear glands)

The outer part of the eye is made up of the sclera, retina, and uvea. The sclera is the outer wall of the eyeball. The retina is a thin-layered structure that lines the eyeball and sends information from the eye to the brain. The uvea nourishes the eye. Both the retina and the uvea contain blood vessels. The uvea consists of the following:
    Iris: The colored part of the eye that controls the amount of light entering the eye
    Ciliary body: Muscular tissue that produces the watery fluid in the eye and helps the eye focus
    Choroid: The layer of tissue underneath the retina that contains connective tissue and melanocytes and nourishes the inside of the eye; the choroid is the most common site for a tumor.


Cancer can sometimes develop in the tissues surrounding your eyeball, such as your eyelids, orbit or lacrimal gland. It can also spread to the eye from other areas of the body. This is known as a secondary cancer or a metastasis.

There are a number of different symptoms of eye cancer including:
    bulging of one eye (proptosis)
    total or partial loss of vision or blurred vision
    pain in or around your eye, although this is rare
    a change in the appearance of the eye or surrounding tissues
You may also experience:
    flashes of light, spots, or wiggly lines in front of your eye
    a lump on your eyelid or in the eye that's increasing in size
Many of these symptoms are common to other eye conditions, and if you have them it may not necessarily mean you have cancer of the eye.

However, it's very important that these types of eye symptoms are checked by a doctor as soon as possible. The sooner cancer is diagnosed, the easier it is to treat and the greater the chance of treatment being successful.

Tumors of the back eye ball caused by : 

bad morals: related to the perspective and mindset. Rather quiet person, full of emotion or irritated when they see anything because there is no match, although not excluded (silent), caused by parents / relatives / etc, which often make mistakes.

The Solution :

Apologize to those who irritated .  
Operation does not guarantee the loss of the tumor but it will be also be from God.
Therefore, get closer to Allah by performing the obligation of prayer and more praying the end of night, 
Ask forgiveness to God for healing.

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