germ stone and benefits

Amethyst : awakaer of third eye. develops intution and awarness. Fasilitate meditation, calming and tranquility

Ametrine : Matifestation of ones visiona Bring our depest dreams to reality.

Agate : Enhances courage, confidence and strength.

Amazonite : increases the will power and communcation skills.

Aquamarine : Encourages the expression of one's truth. Reduces fears and mental tension

Citrine : good lick for bussiness project

Emerald : open and aactivates heart shakra. bring harmony to all areas of ones life.

Jade : inspire and induce ambition toward the accompolishment of objective

Malachine : release suppressed emotions, facilitate insight

pyrite : shields one from many for of negative energy

Garnet : bring the creative powers to menifest

tiger's eye : enhances person power

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