artist Devoleena Bhattacharjee

New Delhi: current box artist Devoleena Bhattacharjee, who is superlative notorious for before a live audience Gopi Bahu in the collide with each day soap 'Saath Nibhaana Saathiya' got the shock of her sparkle this morning once she originate out that her lean bill has been hacked.
According to, around Rs 16,000 had been transferred from her tally this morning. The artiste told the entertainment portal, “I in the past few minutes learnt about it in the present day morning despite the fact that glance my inbox.
I got a idea that Rs 16K has been transferred.
I did not store and in that case I realised that my tab has been hacked.
The meaning indicated that it was transferred where in San Francisco.
I got my bill blocked and I am resolving the issue.
I barely hanker after to declare that public want to be additional gentle bit via their trust cards.
And they must be new defending about their passwords.”
However, this is not the elementary time that a personality has reported row fraud case.

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