Secure your facebook account

secure down your Facebook account.
As a journalist who writes about digital privacy issues but besides about other things, I partake of a conflicted bond with this one.
It be supposed to pass away without aphorism that you must confine your explanation to friends, but a actually remarkable numeral of population don’t. This has its uses if you’re a interfering reporter, but it furthermore isn’t a good indication if you’re you.
What resolve strangers see? project out of Facebook, search for manually and state a look.

Lock down the visibility of your posts retroactively.
This is an confuse but beneficial play a part if you say heaps of posts that are stage set to be observable to the in one piece world, and you no longer desire them to be.
It capacity be aggravating to exit through them every to limit them to acquaintances one by one, but opportunely you preserve prepare it through one unfussy settings change:

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