CPMaffiliation.com alternative google adsense dengan perhitungan CPM

Lagi mencari cari alternative untuk adsense yang CPM dan dalam bentuk banner dan alhamdulillah akhirnya ketemu dengan CpmAffiliation.com.
mengapa banner? ya agar tidak mengganggu pengunjung, karena kenyamanan pengunjung adalah utama agar tidak pada kabur jika melakukan sedikit "action", bilangnya gitu tapi ..... cerita di postingan berikutnya saja, review cpmaffiliation dengan blog yang indo yang cupu.

langsung saja begini yang tertera di halaman mukanya :

It does not matter what country the visitors come from, or how many pages they visit, every display advertising will be paid on Cpm.
CPM automatic optimization to maximize our earnings
Real-time statistics
Payment from € 50
8 advertising formats (Banners and Website-under)
CPM Minimum Guarantee (with tag replacement)

Daftarnya mudah tanpa syarat trafik atau apa, cepat diterima dan bahkan mendapat bonus € 10 pada saat daftar, silakan klik di sini untuk mengunjungi website dan daftar

Cpm Affiliation : the cpm advertising network

Does the registration is open to everyone ?
Yes, registration is open to all, individuals and professionals on Cpm Affiliation.

I have several websites, do I create multiple Cpm Affiliation accounts ?
No, you can have a single account to manage all your websites. You simply need to record each website on your account.

What ad formats available on Cpm Affiliation ?
468x60, 300x250, 728x90, 160x600, 300x600, footer-ad, site-under et slide-in in Cpm !

What is the refresh rate of my statistics?
In real time for a maximum of visibility of your Cpm.

From which countries your advertisers come from ?
We have advertisers from all over the world, advertising is displayed depending on the location of your visitor.

Can i use my earning to advertise ?
Yes quite certain, When you reach 50€ on your Cpm Affiliation account.

From how much do I get paid ?
Payments can be redeemable when you reach 50€ on your account.

How can i be paid ?
In advertiser credit for advertising

What are your payment terms ?
Every beginning of the month around the 10

Adult website are allowed ?
No, we don't accept this kind of site.

Is it ok to refresh the banners automatically ?
No, it's not allowed to automatically refresh your tags, refreshments must be done by reals visitors. Soo, the use of traffic simulation software is prohibited.

My site is an advertising network, can i put you Cpm tags on my site ?
Yes, but you have to contact use before to tag your site.

How many tags are allowed per page ?
The maximum number of tags per page is 5. Tags should not be placed on pages that contain only advertising.

The use of auto-surf is allowed?
It is strictly forbidden to artificially increase his website traffic, under penalty of cancellation of the account and gains.

Not, under any circumstances. Advertising clients must be seen. With these devices, advertising is not visible.

Why i don't count the sames stats than you ?
Generally the shift count is due to non-human traffic, but it is possible that this is due to other problems. For more information simply go to your account and access your log display so you will have detailed views counted or not with the reason.

I don't have a domain name can I register ?
No, we only allow websites with their own domain name.

Dah ngerti? kalau belum mengerti, daftar saja kemudian coba wkwkwkw, silakan klik di sini
CPM yang saya rekomendasikan karena menurut saya lebih enjoy dari pada yang lain, simak reviewnya dipostingan berikutnya ....

Cpm Affiliation : the cpm advertising network

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