The first sign of bronchitis is usually a persistent dry cough (associated with an upper respiratory infection). Eventually, coughing brings up sputum from the lungs that may be thin, clear, and white. As infection progresses, the sputum becomes thick and yellow, green, or brown. A thick, pus-filled discharge suggests a bacterial infection.
Other symptoms include the following:
Burning pain, wheezing, and crackling in the chest
Painful and difficult breathing
Malaise (generally feeling unwell)
Low-grade fever (101ºF–102ºF)
Insomnia can develop with persistent nighttime coughing. Symptoms usually last 3 to 7 days; a dry cough commonly persists several weeks after the infection resolves. (

COUGH / BRONCHITIS nature medicine: 
Before going to sleep at night: 
1. heat 3 table-spoons of olive-oil 
2. drench a big piece of cotton-wool with the hot olive-oil 
3.wrap it up in newspaper 
4. put it on the chest while still hot. 
5 cover with a woolen sweater and leave until morning. 
Repeat 10 nights: 
Also drink one cup four times a day of water and honey boiled with: ClovesCinnamonblack pepperginger or / and Boil one big spoon of corn flour with a cup of  milk.  Add sugar or honey and drink hot before sleeping.Cover your head preferably with wool.


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