Farsightedness and the advice

Farsightedness, or hyperopia, as it is medically termed, is a vision condition in which distant objects are usually seen clearly, but close ones do not come into proper focus. Farsightedness (hyperopia) is a common vision condition in which you can see distant objects clearly, but objects nearby may be blurry. Farsightedness occurs if your eyeball is too short or the cornea has too little curvature, so light entering your eye is not focused correctly.

Common signs of farsightedness include difficulty in concentrating and maintaining a clear focus on near objects, eye strain, fatigue and/or headaches after close work, aching or burning eyes, irritability or nervousness after sustained concentration. The degree of your farsightedness influences your focusing ability. People with severe farsightedness may see clearly only objects a great distance away, while those with mild farsightedness may be able to clearly see objects that are closer.

Common vision screenings, often done in schools, are generally ineffective in detecting farsightedness. A comprehensive optometric examination will include testing for farsightedness.

Cause of Eye cataracts  
often reject the advice of people, silent and irritated, Looked couples too low and did not follow good advice from his partner, Less serious in face a problem

pay attention to the advice of others,  
respect the partner  
more serious in solving problems
Crush 1 big or 3 small cloves of garlic and mix with honey (one teaspoon) and eat every morning before eating or drinking anything else. 
Pay sadaqa (give wealth to the needy) for 40 days.

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