Gastritis and unwilling

Gastritis or inflammation of the stomach or gastric ulcer is a disease that attacks the stomach symptoms occur because of injury or inflammation of the stomach that causes pain, heartburn, and abdominal tenderness. Gastritis can occur suddenly (acute gastritis), or it can occur slowly over time (chronic gastritis).
Pain during defecation
Nausea and vomiting
Often feel hungry
Stinging pain in the abdomen and chest
Frequent burping
General medicineMedicines for heartburn are generally eaten two hours before a meal and two hours after meals. As for the purpose of drug consumed two hours before a meal which is to neutralize stomach acid, because at that time the accumulation of stomach acid is very much in the stomach and patients must have been minor injuries which when exposed to acid will feel sore. Then the drugs taken two hours after eating aim to protect the stomach wall of the acid continues to be produced. Finally, two hours after eating, the acid in the stomach will be used to digest food so it is neutralized and will not hurt the stomach wall.
Herbal medicine5 pieces of guava leaves, 10 leaves of gotu kola, kencur 5 seeds, 11 seeds of coriander and cinnamon 1/2 fingers, washed and then boiled in 4 cups of water to 3 cups left over, filtered. Water was drunk, adult 1/2 cup and 1/3 cup children, taken 3x a day.
Cause physicalThe reason could be because people eat irregularly, there are harmful microorganisms, consumption of pain relieving drugs, often cause irritation to the stomach. The use of drugs with high doses can also interfere with delicate digestive system so susceptible to infection causing inflammation and eventually became the cause of ulcer disease. Alcohol is the cause of the ulcer disease. Because someone often consume liquor will interfere with the digestive system. Hull will be very vulnerable and fragile condition, and will be a breeding ground for the bacteria that causes ulcer disease. Stress has also been shown to alter the state of the body making you more susceptible to various diseases including ulcer disease. Causes of ulcer disease can also be caused by oily and fatty foods in excess. Age factor is also one of the causes of ulcer disease. When we are older, we will thin the stomach wall so that much more vulnerable than young people. The immune system also decreases so that you are elderly are more at risk of ulcer disease.

Causes of mentalif the counsel is always unwilling, often emotional, often grumble in the family.
Physical caresome types of drinks and food is not good for consumption, namely: Beverages that stimulates gastric acid among others: coffee, white wine, citrus juice, and milk. Highly acidic foods such as vinegar or spicy, chili, and pepper (food that stimulates the stomach and can damage the stomach wall). The food is difficult to digest and can slow gastric emptying. As this can cause an increase in stomach stretching which can eventually increase stomach acid include fatty foods, cake, chocolate, and cheese. Food down the esophagus valve weakens, causing gastric fluid can go up into the esophagus such as alcohol, chocolate, high-fat foods, and fried foods. Food and drinks that contain lots of gas and also that too much fiber, among others: collards and cabbage, jackfruit and bananas, kedondong and dried fruit, drinks that contain lots of gas (such as soft drinks). In addition, activities that can improve the gas in the stomach should also be avoided, such as eating candy, especially chewing gum and smoking
Spiritual caretry to be more patient and relaxed and listen to good advice and do not always argue and feel completely alone. Apologizing to everyone (family and others who hurt). Banyak2 grateful and ask forgiveness / istigfar on God

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