Hemorrhoids and communication

Hemorrhoids or piles are swollen or pathological condition meradangnya Hemorrhoid, vascular structures in the anal canal which help control bowel movements. In physiological conditions, this part acts as a cushion composed of arterio-venous channels and connective tissue.
Physical CausesThe real cause of symptomatic hemorrhoids is unknown. A number of factors believed to play a role include: bowel habits are irregular (constipation or diarrhea), lack of exercise, nutritional factors (low-fiber diet), increased intra-abdominal pressure (prolonged bloating, ascitis, the presence of intra-abdominal mass, or pregnancy), genetics, absence of valves in the veins hemorrhoids, and elderlyThis
Hemorrhoids disease generally occurs due to perform movements such as lifting weights during exercise. It could also trigger hemorrhoid disease is because we are too often sit or stand, heredity, excessive straining during bowel movements.

Causes of Mentalbad morals: if there are problems with siblings, parents, wife / husband, often feel irritated or emotion. Want to say bad things but sometimes not issued.
SymptomAt the time of defecation, hemorrhoid sufferers will experience pain which is quite unusual and difficult. Not infrequently, the symptoms of hemorrhoid disease is accompanied by bleeding during bowel movements.
Physical careSuggested a number of preventive measures include avoiding straining when defecating, avoid constipation and diarrhea by eating high fiber foods and drink plenty of fluids or taking fiber supplements, and exercising enough. It is also recommended to reduce the time spent on trying to defecate, avoiding reading while on the toilet, as well as weight loss for people who are overweight and avoid heavy lifting.
Mental CareWhen there are problems in the family do not get angry, talk with the good.

Heral Care:
Chew 10-12 juniper-berries first thing in the mornig without having eaten or drunk anything else.
Then drink a glass of water.
If you don?t have any teeth, then crush berries before taking.

Repeat for 15 days.

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