Appendix and no solution

Appendix or cecum in Latin referred to as Appendix vermiformis and in terms of anatomy is a sac that is connected to the intestinal absorption and colon uphill section of the large intestine. At the beginning of this organ is regarded as an auxiliary organ that has no function, but is now known that the function of the appendix is ​​as immunologic organ and actively participates in the secretion of immunoglobulin (an immune system) which has / contains lymphoid glands.
Appendicitis is the name of the disease that attacks the appendix. Appendicitis occurs when the appendix, another name has inflamed appendix and make it vulnerable rupture, including serious medical emergency
The cause of an infection of the appendix is ​​usually because of the small, hard objects that get lost in the appendix and can not go back again. Which occurs in many cases, inflammation and infection of the appendix preceded by a blockage in the appendix. If this happens, in the long run will occur the inflammation that causes infection of the appendix. Appendicitis disease if left unchecked will leak and could rupture. If you have this, then it can lead to infection in the stomach thorough. Appendicitis can occur in all people, regardless of age. But for children, it is usually the peak of appendicitis visible when entering adolescence. Both men and women potentially affected by appendicitis, but based on the study, men were more likely to 1.4 times.Disease symptoms of appendicitis
general symptoms in the initial phase is difficult to distinguish from other diseases eg heartburn, pain in the gut initially and then move to the mid abdomen right up to the bottom, can also be accompanied by nausea and vomiting that initially mistaken for heartburn. and general symptoms of appendicitis that arise:

    Itching pain that starts from around the abdomen and often manjalar to the lower right abdomen
Which became a sharp pain in a few hours
Numbness when you hit the lower right abdomen
Sharp pain in the lower right abdomen that occurs when an area in the press and then the pressure is released at a fast pace
Pain that worsens when you cough, walk or create a vibrating movement
Loss of appetite
Mild fever
Difficult to dispose of the wind
Swelling in the abdominal area
Non Physical CausesHad a problem, no solution, stored becomes irritated
Traditional ingredients for disease Appendicitis1. Noni and honeyHoney and noni contain many health benefits for healing, therefore treatment of appendicitis using honey and noni has been proven to be effective, bagia you who want to try the treatment of appendicitis using this natural way, you just follow the way of the following waysThe ingredients were prepared:
One ripe noni fruit
Honey is 1 tablespoon
How to make:
Clean the first noni then shredded and squeeze to remove water noni
The noni juice mix water with one tablespoon of honey that had been prepared
Then drink regularly water and honey noni twice a day,2. TemulawakThe natural way to overcome the appendix next by using ginger, to treat appendicitis with ginger thing to disispakan is as follows.Materials:
30gr fresh ginger
Water as much as 500ml
25gr turmericHow to make:
Ginger and turmeric which had been prepared beforehand washed
After it boiled ginger and turmeric with 500ml water and allow water remaining half
Then strain the water rebusa and input into the glass
Try to regularly drink the concoction three times a day3. SambilotoPaniculata is also very useful to prevent inflammation of the appendix, separately how the treatment was fairly easy.Materials
300gr bitter leaf
Enough honey 1 tbspHow to make:
Used to clean the bitter leaf with clean water
Then boiled with water until the water as much as 400ml tyersisa half
Strain the cooking water into the glass
Add the honey that had been prepared
Drink the potion 3 times a day with routine
Non-physical treatmentreproduce seek forgiveness, accept whatever happens, sensiri forgive ourselves and others, pasrahkan all to God, and God trusts as well as regulators, ikhlaskan all. Istighfar as overbearing and grateful for the arrangement of God, trusting God's power and control.

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