Herpes and a solution mixed emotions (angry)

Herpes is an inflammatory disease of the skin and usually appears bubbles containing water and in groups.
There are two types of herpes:1. Herpes Zoster Herpes herpes way of treating this type may affect all ages, from children to seniors. This disease usually affects areas of the skin and the mucous membranes, but nothing to do with sex. This virus attacks are segmented. That is, if the skin is infected, then the only areas that are affected. Usually the skin and chest skin prone to this type of virus2. Herpes Simplex There are two types of herpes simplex. Herpes simplex type one, caused by HSV-1 and Herpes Simplex type two, caused by HSV-2. The first type is usually present in the boundary region between the lip or skin with mucous membranes. This type can also affect children. The second type usually affects the genital area. Very appropriate laboratory tests to detect the type of virus that enters the body.
symptomsThe characteristics of this herpes is a sense of shortness of breath, fever, chills, joint feels nyari, stiffness in only one part of the body. Usually the characteristics of other herpes disease that attacks the herpes sometimes find themselves attacked by appendicitis, migraine or heart attack. Then you will see tiny bubbles in the back but on one side only is the particular neural region. Herpes disease can occur simultaneously in several areas of innervation that causes the expansion of herpes to other parts of the body to the head. The bubble can burst painful and so can be infected by bacteria.
Cause HerpesThis disease is caused by a herpes virus that can be transmitted from direct contact with the patient, after the entering the body, the virus will be activated when penedrita experiencing stress or depression and to be active in nerve cells.
Causes of mentalIf there are problems in the family to find a solution mixed emotions (angry)

Chemical drugsAcyclovir can be given that a highly active antiviral agent that is able to fight the herpes simplex virus (HSV) types I and II, as well as the varicella zoster virus. Buy Acyclovir tablets and ointment, and then used together once every 5 hours during the week.
Traditional herb Herpes Using aloe vera gelSurely you are already familiar with the plant called aloe vera, has always believed usefulness for treating various skin diseases, and one of them is a coolie disease herpes. The trick is quite easy, you simply choose a fresh aloe vera plant and rub over the surface of the skin that are infected by the herpes virus.
To speed healing, do the following things:1. Do not scratchNodules or bumps that generally itchy, itching iini jemarri certainly tempting to scratch. But once in a while you do not scratch it. Because if the bulge or nodule was broken, the liquid inside will spread and spread other regions.2. Do not rub the towelIn addition to scratching, another thing not to do is rub with a towel, the towel as soft as anything. Because friction towels can trigger the outbreak of pimples and causing the spread to other areas wider.3. Maintain a dietThese suggestions have preferred for those of you who have an allergy to certain foods, to reduce the risk of new injuries on the skin. But for those of you who are not allergic, you should consume 4 healthy 5 perfect foods to maintain your nutritional balance.4. Get enough restAdequate rest is how to treat herpes fairly effective. For as strong as any body in performing daily activities, it still requires a break. Because adequate rest can restore power that has been lost and reinforce the body's immune.5. Keeping emotionsWhatever problems exist in both the family and the environment, realize that everyone has strengths and weaknesses, as well as themselves, and then come up with a tolerant trait to anyone and learn to see the kindness of others to easily be grateful to him. Calm the mind and emotions that will boost the immune system.

Herb care
Drink every morning for 10 days a glass of turunge (wild orange) or grapefruit-juice.


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