Depression and write

Nearly everyone has at least one sign of depression in their writing, which is nothing to worry about. It is when you or a loved one has a grocery list of these specific traits found in the writing that you want to pay closer attention.
1. Never ever cross out your own name when you sign it:
This potentially exposes a deep subconscious belief that you do not believe you deserve to take up space in your own life, let alone on the planet. The writer will ultimately seek out little or not so little ways to self-destruct.   
2. Downhill writing:
If you had to guess would you presume this writer is feeling optimistic or depressed? This is another sign of depression.
3. Emotional starvation:
Notice the ending stroke that curves up, over and moves to the left of the word, hovering above it like a protective covering. This writer is very tired of taking care of everyone else and is deeply yearning that someone takes care of her for a change.
4. Loops in the "d" stem:  
Sadly, this is an all too common stroke I see in clients’ handwritings. This writer is harder on themselves than he or she would ever be on anyone else, especially when looking in the mirror. This is an indicator that this person needs to take better care of their body. There is more to this trait than meets the eye and an important one on which to perform graphotherapy – the science of changing your writing to change your life.  

treatment for depreeion :
Visit hospitals, mental-houses and prisons regularly and your own depression will run away quickly.

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