1 day cleanse

Step 1: Drink Hot Lemon Water
Start your day with Lemon Water. Warm water aids digestion and lemon juice contains vitamin C, a potent antioxidant that helps calm liver inflammation and protects against free radical damage.

Step 2: Make Your First Meal The Glowing Green Smoothie
The Glowing Green Smoothie is a whole food, so don't think of it as a juice. When you are having all these greens your energy levels are up while cleansing. This also keeps your blood sugar stable to reduce cravings. If you get hungry throughout the day, have more of the Glowing Green Smoothie. It's satiating and it will still cleanse your body while you are filling yourself up.

Step 3: Sip Detox Tea
For a mid-morning boost, sip Detox Tea. This will keep you going until your next meal. Detox tea consists of lemon, ginger and cayenne pepper. These three foods all work together to create a powerful cleanse to help break up mucus and toxins in the body, while creating a shield for unwanted bacteria in your system. Cayenne pepper raises your body temperature and fire up your digestive system and metabolism.

Step 4: Eat a Crunch Lunch
Sliced vegetables will give you the same crunch as a potato chip or another carb without saturated fat or sugar. Dip carrots, bell peppers and celery into some Vegetables and Vegan Beauty Ranch Dressing  to fill up with complex fibers and feel like you’re really eating though you’ll still be detoxing. These raw veggies help to clean out waste and are filled with enzyme-packed water. This dressing contains probiotic-filled coconut yogurt, which is great for supporting your gut and also raw apple cider vinegar which stabilizes blood sugar. It also contains cilantro, which has been shown in some research to help bind to heavy metals and escort them out of the body.

Step 5: Fill Up on a Warm Comforting Dinner
You’ve made it this far, don’t give up! Dinner should be something light, without cooked oils. Make a Warm Vegetable Salad with steamed vegetables. The warmth and the fiber will make you feel full, and it’s comforting at the end of the day. Add an array of color through fiber-filled veggies and dress it up with something light and oil-free like this Oil-Free Radiance Dressing. It’s packed with vitamin C and enzymes that will boost your energy levels. Have a bowl of Tomato and Basil Vegan Soup if you need a little extra with your meal. It’s packed with vitamins and will keep your blood sugar stable.

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