known health condition from the face

The face zones shown in the diagram above, are the end points of specific internal organ meridians. Refer the Meridians tab under the Acupressure tab above. The heat, toxicity and illness energy in organs are passed onto the face zones through these meridians.

Inorganic substance coatings on the face will affect the internal organs negatively! This is why makeup made of inorganic chemicals can be very harmful. Organic substance coatings like turmeric, organic face pack, organic balms and cucumbers on the eyes or forehead will benefit the internal organs positively!

Around these areas on the face, there are indications of texture, puffiness, skin discoloration and even missing facial hair growth. Unfortunately not even half of these indications are described in any one book. What I am detailing below is from my validation of some books and charts and my experience with patients.
Skin becoming dark brown at the site indicates biological organism damage or inorganic medicine damage to that organ. Below the lower eyelid if the skin is brown, it indicates Liver damage.

Skin becoming black at the area indicates blood flow blockages in that organ.
Skin becoming puffy, like as if filled with water or even tiny skin blisters on the area indicates inflammation due to irritation from foreign substance accumulation or biological organism damage or cellular degeneration in that organ. Puffiness below the lower eyelid indicates kidney damage.

Skin discoloration indicates that the intrinsic factor of that organ is partly damaged. Intrinsic factor means, the cells of that organ are damaged to some extent and they cannot absorb the nutrition that they are supposed to, thereby causing nutritional deficiencies in the body as well. This is why you will see malnutritioned children always having discolored skin patches on the face.

Tiny spots of missing hair growth on the face indicate long-term cellular disturbance to that organ. The cells at that region in the organ are not able to maintain proper cellular pH and electric charge, thereby sending faulty current signals to their corresponding face spots, which destabilize the electric charge at the hair follicle roots. This sabotages the healthy hair growth.

Visual Face Analysis

Dark circles under your eyes, can be an indication of ill health.
Bags under your eyes, can indicate a build up of fluid in the eye area.
This could suggest there’s a problem with an under active thyroid,
A slow thyroid means the energy system in the cell is low, therefore response to treatment is slow.
If I feel it is a thyroid problem, I always refer my client to their doctor.

Pale Skin
Another thing to look for in a visual face analysis, is the color of your skin.
Sometimes a pale skin can indicate a lack of iron,
Many pre-menopausal women are anaemic.
If iron stores are low, this can mean the body stops producing collagen,
And a lack of collagen, can lead to premature aging.
If you are concerned about iron levels, consult a doctor for a correct diagnosis.

Face Shape
A face analysis, will help to identify skin tone and tightness.
It can actually say a lot about someone.
For instance if the lateral brow is sagging, it can mean the growth hormone is low.
Volume loss in the cheeks or loose jowls, can mean there is a growth hormone deficiency.
As we age gravity pulls everything down.
So maybe now is the time to invest in that new cosmeceutical cream. and

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