seven body aura

The 1st layer of aura will become visible, usually as a light blue or colorless layer, surrounding the surface of the body at a distance of one or two inches or so, which may deepen to a medium blue after some practice. This body also includes the energy pattern on the surface of and within the physical body—it is an energetic mirror of the structure of the physical body and is the pattern upon which it is based.

   The 2nd layer of aura, or emotional body, is composed of clouds or areas of color—usually indefinable shapes of variable color and size. These multicolored clouds extend to 4 or 5 inches above the surface of the body and are usually in a condition of constant flow, change and movement. These moving colors usually have some correspondence to the psychological state of the patient and/or the life experience or the activity in which the patient is engaged. Impurities that may exist in the energetic functioning of this layer generally appear as discolored, muddied, smeared or streaked colors or patterns which are unhealthy-looking.
   Generally speaking, colored energies appearing in the 2nd layer (and in the other layers of aura) that are bright, clear and that have a sense of "health" to them represent healthy aspects of the operation of the energy field—aspects related to the character and personality of the individual. Healthy colors will be appealing and appear vibrant and radiant. Harmful or unhealthy auric phenomena will have a discolored, muddied, smeared or streaked appearance, and the color will be unappealing—it will seem, feel and look unhealthy. These unhealthy energies are ill conditions—energetic defects which can result from depressed functioning of the energy field or from unhealthy influences which have spread from other aura layers or from chakras.
   Often you will find that a patient with disease or unhealthy conditions will show colored energies that are a dark brown or brownish red or, if less pronounced, this brown will appear as a very dusty yellow. Black energies, or, if the black influence is less pronounced, a dirty gray or dirty silver color, are also often present. These diseased colors will infuse into healthy colors—making them appear unwell—or will streak, smear or discolor these regions. Such diseased colors look unwell. The intensity with which these unhealthy and unappealing colors appear is an indicator of the degree of sickness of the individual—the more intense and easily noticeable the ill-appearing colors are, the more detrimental the energies have become to the patient's energetic health.

   The 3rd layer of aura, or mental body, primarily appears yellow in color, to the eye. In actuality, it is not composed of yellow light but has a radiance which makes it appear light yellow or golden. This layer does not have clouds of color, like the 2nd layer, but has a shell-like shape, similar to the shape of the body yet less-defined, which exists about 8 to 10 inches from the body surface. This layer, like the 1st layer, also exists as an energy pattern which exists on and in the physical body, and which mirrors it. Impurities in this layer are indicated by the same sort of darkened, discolored, smeared or streaked colors which have been described as under the 2nd layer, but these colors are very light and fine—they are barely noticeable in the light yellow-gold radiance of this layer. This 3rd layer often displays some of the same colors as the 2nd layer, and yet these colors are very fine and light, and the light yellow-gold radiance that shines through all makes them more difficult to see.

   The 4th layer of aura, or astral body, is similar to the 2nd layer, in that it is composed of multicolored clouds. The colors in these areas or clouds are finer, paler and lighter, however—they are dimmer and harder to see—and they exist in an area up to and including approximately a foot to a foot and a half above the surface of the body. These multicolored clouds, like those of the 2nd layer, are always in motion, and are similarly connected to the psychology and life experience of the subject. Impurities in this layer present themselves as unhealthy-looking discolored, muddied, smeared or streaked colors or patterns, as have been described above. Because this layer and its colors are lighter, however, impurities will generally appear lighter and finer to the eye.

   The 5th layer of aura, or etheric template body, primarily appears as a deep blue radiance to the eye, a radiance that is not as bright, however as that of the 3rd layer. It has an overall shape that is like an eggshell, although it is not as large nor wide an eggshell shape as the 7th layer, existing at a level of perhaps two feet above the body surface. This layer also, like the 1st and 3rd layers, exists as a pattern that mirrors the surface and inner structure of the physical body. This layer is a vibrational mirror for levels above and below—its eggshell shape mirrors the vibrational structure of the 7th layer, and its body-like structure, as a higher vibrational template for the physical body, mirrors the physical body. Impurities in this body exist, not as darkened or sullied colors, but as disturbances of vibration. They are not of the nature of variations in radiance or subtle color hues therein (as in the 3rd layer), nor are they textural changes in the quality of light (as in the 7th layer, described below), but are vibrational disturbances particular to this layer which you will sense in a manner analogous to a sound or feeling that is disharmonious and is expressed as a disturbance in the pitch of vibration.

   The 6th layer of aura, or cosmic or celestial body, appears as multicolored softly flowing streams and soft streaks of light emanating from the center of the body in all directions. This layer has no clouds of color, nor eggshell or bodily shapes, but only consists of these streams and gentle streaks alone. Impurities in this layer are indicated by discolored, muddied, smeared or streaked regions or infused areas within these multicolored streams, but such impurities are very difficult to see—they are usually quite dim and not always visible.

   The 7th layer of aura, or ketheric body, appears as a fine, transparent eggshell, with a soft glowing light that may appear bright or golden to your psychic sight and your eyes. This layer is approximately three feet, or a little more, from the body surface, and, although appearing as bright or golden light, is actually composed of a light that contains all the colors in its true nature. Impurities in this layer manifest as spots, zones or areas which display a change in texture—not any significant change in the color or intensity of the light of the shell, but a roughness and a change in the quality of the light of the shell.

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