arabic letter ang human body

30 KEY which is in the human body, namely:
1. alif = nose
2. ba "= eye
3. ta "= the place of the eye (the hole where the eye)
4. tsa "= right shoulder
5. jim = left shoulder
6. ha = right hand
7. kha = left hand
8. dal = palm of the right hand and left
9. dzal = head and hair
10. ro "= right ribs
11. zai = left rib
12. sin = right chest
13. shin = left chest
14. shod = ass right
15. dhod = left buttock
16. tho "= heart
17. Zho "= teeth
18. ain = right thigh
19. ghoin = left thigh
20. fa "= right calf
21. kof = left calf
22. kaf = skin
23. lam = meat
24. mim = brain
25. nun = nur / light
26. wau = right foot and left
27. HA "= marrowy tulam
28. lam alif = human intact
29. hamzah = fulfill all
30. yes "= mouth / man .....

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