muscle weakness and a particular reason

The term muscle weakness can be used to describe several different things.

Primary or true muscle weakness

This shows itself as an inability to perform what you want to do with a muscle, even the first time you try. There is a reduction in the force which the muscle can exert, however hard you try. The muscle is not working properly - it has become abnormal.

When this kind of weakness occurs the muscles are often floppier than usual, and reduced in bulkiness. It can happen, for example, following stroke. It is also seen in muscular dystrophy. Both of these conditions result in weakened muscles which cannot move the usual load. It's a real change in muscle power.

Muscle tiredness

This is sometimes called asthenia. It is a sense of weariness or exhaustion that you feel when using the muscle. The muscle isn't genuinely weaker, it can still do its job, but it takes you more effort to manage it. This type of weakness is often seen in people who have chronic fatigue syndrome, sleep disorders, depression, and chronic heart, lung, and kidney disease. It may be due to a reduction in the speed with which the muscle can get its energy supply.

Muscle 'fatiguability'

Some muscle tiredness is mainly muscle 'fatiguability' - the muscle starts off normally but tires very quickly and takes longer to recover than normal. This often goes with muscle tiredness, but is particularly seen in some uncommon conditions such as myasthenia gravis and myotonic dystrophy.

The difference between these three types of muscle weakness is often vague, and you can have more than one of them. You can also progress from one to another. However, working out which one is the main problem can help doctors work out what is causing it. This is because some conditions tend to cause one type of weakness rather than another.

mentals condition that cause muscle weakness :
Husband and wife often fight for a particular reason. Done fight there is usually one of the parties who often feel despair very strong. A sense of despair is not shown by the oral and is buried in the heart. One of these parties have felt that these lived marriage failed. Therefore must return to the path of Allah, do not get angry or emotional when there are activities that do not violate shar'ie performed by couples. Do not easy emotion, feeling irritable or hopeless. Do not be negative minded to what followed, because it has become the will of God. If you want to change then try to change for the better because God

When giving body-massages, heat crystal salt first, wrap into a piece of material and give the massage with it.

1. Make a soup out of marrow and eat of it every morning, noon and evening.
2. Eat as many raisins as possible.
3. Crush and fry black seeds (Nigella Sativa) and mix with natural honey and take aspoonful every morning, noon and evening.
4. Pay sadaqa  (donation to poor people)

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