parents should educate children with the best

One charity uninterruptible reward even if we have to leave this world is a pious child. Prayer pious child is one of prayer, God willing, will definitely be realized. Therefore, parents should educate children with the best. If not, the child will grow into a broken and shattered personality, which in turn will hurt the parents themselves.

Indeed it is not an easy burden to raise a child to become a person who we hope will succeed the world and the hereafter. All it takes patience, hard work, sincerity, and much more. Without intending to simplify, here are some tips that apply to parents who are abstracted from the procedure of educating children in the style of the Prophet.

1. Loving The GOD
Teaches monotheism to the child, the Oneness of Allah in worship Him, making it more loving God than other than Him, no one feared except Allah. In addition, parents should emphasize that every human action is always in control of Allah. and the application of the concept is to try to obey the rules and avoid His prohibitions. First, parents as teachers (the first) for their children to be able to adjust their behavior to the values ​​taught in Islam. It is the most urgent education above other important things.

2. Being a friend and Educating with Modeling
Each child will learn from their environment and in this case the family environment will be very influential in the development of his personality. The people around him will be a model and an example in attitude. Already selayaknyalah exemplary parents give to their children. The parents should give good example in accordance with the advice and words to the children. It would be very funny if it were presented to the children's parents was not done by the parents themselves. In Islam, the example of parents is crucial especially in today's media spectacle can not be expected to be a good example for the moral formation of Muslim children.

3. Educate the Habit
A good must begin with habituation. Children must be accustomed to get up early so that they love to pray Fajr. Children must be accustomed to the mosque so that they love to do various rituals in the mosque. Habituation it should start early, even reading the Koran habituation can begin in the womb. Habituation prayers in children should have started since the child was seven years old.

4. Growing Confidence Child
In an effort to foster self-confidence of children, the Prophet. using the following ways. While fasting, the Prophet took the kids play so long afternoon was fast. Children will welcome the time to break with delight. It also makes the child have the confidence to be able to fast a full day. Often bring children to adults assemblies, receptions, or bersilaturahim relative's house in an attempt to foster social confidence. Teach the Quran and Sunnah and tell sira prophet to boost scientific confidence. Inculcate the habit of buying and selling to improve children's confidence as the economy and business. In addition, children will be trained from an early age economically independent.

5. motivated Kids Doing Good
A child, though small, is also made up of body and heart. They were born in a clean and pure heart so white and soft it would easily moved by words of wisdom. Children, especially at the age of gold (golden age), tend to be more easily moved by motivation rather than a threat. Therefore, parents should not rely on the threat to educate their children. Rather than threatening, better parents to motivate their children by saying that the good will reap the rewards of heaven with all its pleasures. That's also exemplified by the Prophet told us when he was educating the companions.

6. Take Time to Eat With Children
Prophet. always took time to eat with the kids. The way it will strengthen inner attachment between parent and child. That way we can realign the various mistakes that they did through open dialogue and discussion. It would be nice if the mother and father gathered with the children when eating together so that they feel the importance of the role of both parents. It can also facilitate the seep any advice about the behavior, faith, or education.

7. Educate the Reward / Prize
Giving gifts is one of the rewards that can soften the hearts of children so that they will be sympathetic to us and finally willing to implement the advice we give. But remember, not all the good deeds the child should be rewarded with material. Do the rewards are varied, can with praise, kiss, caress, money, and others.

8. Choosing Islamic School
Currently the age of school children, parents choose a role in school, teach the Koran, develop the mindset of children, provide data and knowledge as much as possible. Although children have started school (getting science at school), parents should always learn about the education of children because of increasing age of the child, the more complex the problem (children's education) we have to face.

9. Educate with Punishment
This method may be performed if the above methods do not succeed. Indeed, in Islam, punishing allowed as long as not excessive as to cause injury. The penalty try deterrent effect to the child so he would not repeat his actions. However, be aware of adab-adabnya, should not be excessive which would eventually make the child be revenge.

10. The state of Kids In Good Understanding and Using the Right Method
Each child has a different character and personality although originating from the same parents. Find the right method and precise so that the child can be directed with greater ease. [Ali]

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