Educational practices in children

Educational practices of the Prophet Muhammad in children can be described below:

1. Prophet happy to play (entertain) with children and sometimes he assume them. He asked Abdullah, Ubaidillah, and others of the sons of his uncle Al-Abbas to line up and said, "Who will advance to me I give something (a gift)." they also vying toward him, then sat on his lap and they kissed and hugged the Prophet.

2. When Ja'far bin Abu Tholib ra, Mut'a killed in battle, the Prophet Muhammad, is very sad. He soon came to the house and met his wife Asma Ja'far bin Umais, who was making bread, bathing her children and put on his clothes. He said, "Tell the children come here Ja'far. When they were dating, he was kissing her. In tears. Asthma asked him having learned that there calamities that befall him.

3. "O Messenger of God, what the hell is causing you cry? Has there beritayang to you about my husband and friends Ja'far kawanya? "He replied," Yes, they override the disaster. "Tears were streaming down his. Asthma was screaming so that those women gathered orng surrounded him. Then the Prophet Muhammad. back to his family and he said, "you do not forget the family of Ja'far, make food for them, because they in fact they were busy dealing with the unfortunate death of Jafar."

4. When the Prophet saw Zaid child approached, he grabbed both his shoulders and then crying. Some companions were surprised because he was weeping for the martyrs in the battle Mut'ah. Then the Prophet Muhammad. also explained to them that this is indeed the tears of a friend who had lost his.

5. Al-Aqraa bin Harith saw the Prophet Muhammad. kissed Al-Hasan r.a. and said, "O Messenger of Allah, I have ten children, but I have never kissed them." The Prophet said, "I'm not going to appoint you as a leader if God has revoked the affection of the heart. Any person who does not have a sense of compassion, surely he would not be in love. "

6. A little boy was brought to the Prophet Muhammad. that in blessing and pray requested named. The children were in the lap by him. Suddenly the boy urinating, then the people who saw him yelling. He said, "do not disconnect child in urinating, buarkanlah him to finish first urine."
He prayed and gave the name, then whispered to her parents lest have the feeling that he was not happy exposed her urine. When they had gone, he washes his own clothes exposed to pee earlier.

7. Kholid bint Umm kho; id bin Sa'ad Al-Amawiyah said, "I along with my father facing Rasululloh and I wear braces (abaya) is yellow. When I was playing around with the ring of the Prophet Muhammad. my father yelled, then he said, "Let her alone." Then he also said to me, "play your heart's content, kid!

8. From Anas narrated that the Prophet Muhammad. always hang out with us. He said to the little brother, "O Abu Umair, what do the nugair (small bird name)."

9. Prophet Muhammad. prayers, while Umamah zainab bint in place in his neck. At a time when he bowed down, the Umamah in letakkanya and when standing in place again dil his neck. Umamah is a small child of Abu Ash bin Rabigh bin Abdusysyam.

10. History is more famous mentioned, the Messenger of breathing for a long time prostrate. in prayer, then one of the companions asked, "O Messenger of Allah, verily you for a long time prostrate, until we thought there was something you were receiving incident or revelation. Prophet Muhammad, said, "There is nothing, I'm still rode by my granddaughter, so I do not want to rush him gesahsampai satisfied." The children were in the mean is Al-Hasan or al-Husayn radi Anhuma

11. When the Prophet Muhammad. past the house of his daughter, the Lady Fatimah ra, he heard Al-Husain was crying, so he said to Fatima, "Do you not understand that it bothers the child crying." Then he assumed Al-Husain over his neck and said, 'God, I actually love him, and love him.
When the Prophet Muhammad. was in the pulpit, Al-Hasan slip. Then he came down from the pulpit and bring the child.

12. Prophet Muhammad. often tinkering * with Zainab bint Umm Salamah ra he called him, "Hi Zuwainib, O Zuwainib over rulang."

13. Prophet Muhammad. frequent visits to the homes of friends Ansar and greets his children and rubbed their heads.

14. It is related, at a feast of the Prophet Muhammad. out of the house for prayed ID. On the way, he saw a lot of little kids having berman happily laughing. They wear new clothes, sandals they looked shiny. Suddenly his sight fixed on the one who is sitting alone and was sobbing. His clothes were tattered and no sandaled feet. Prophet, had approached, then rub the boy mendekapya to dadabeliau as he asked, "why are you crying, my son." The boy replied simply, "let me alone." The boy did not know that the person in front of him it is Rasulullah SAW. which is reputed as loving. "My father died in a battle with the Prophet," said the boy. "Then my mother remarried. My treasure eat out at my mother's husband, and I expelled from his home. Now, I do not have new clothes and good food. I'm sad meihat my friends to play with exhilaration itu.l "

King of the Prophet Muhammad. then guide the child as she comforted her, "Sukakah you when I was your father, your sister Fatima became, Aisha became mother, as your uncle Ali, Hasan and Husain became your brother?" The child was immediately know with whom he spoke. Then straight away he said, "why I do not like it, O Messenger of Allah?" Then, the Prophet Muhammad, also took the boy to his home, and in her the most beautiful clothes, bathed her, and gave her jewelry so that he looked more handsome, and then invite eating ,
After that, the boy was out playing with his friends the other, all the while laughing with delight. See change in the boy, his friends were surprised and asked, "Did you cry, why now rejoice?" The boy replied, I've been starving, now already full. Earlier I did not have clothes, now I have it, I had no father, now my father and my mother Aisha Prophet. "Other children murmured, Well, suppose our father died in the war." In the following days, the child remains in maintained , by the Prophet Muhammad. until he died.

Hope It Is Useful,

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