4 stages of how to educate children to follow the Sunnah of the Prophet are:

1) Age of children 0-6 years old. At this time, the Prophet told us to indulge, love and love child with affection that is not limitless. Give them love without thought firstborn and lastborn to be fair to all children. Not to be beaten in case they make a mistake though on the basis to educate.
Thus, children will be closer to us and we feel as part of her big moment, which can be regarded as the best friend and referrals. Children feel secure in pursuing their small age because they know you (father's mother) always there beside them every time.

2) Age of children 7-14 years old. At this stage we first instill DISCIPLINE value and the responsibility to children. According to the hadeeth of Abu Daud, "Rule your children in order to establish the prayer when she was seven years old and beat them for leaving the prayer when he was ten years old and asingkanlah bed between them (men and women). At that also is not to torture, just simply to remind them. Do not hit the face because someone's face is a great honor. Allah creates his own face Adam.
Thus, children will be more responsible in any errand, especially in setting up the prayer. This is the best time for us in a programmed personality and morals of children by reference to Islam. It's up to the father if the mother wants to make them a Muslim, Jew, Christian or Zoroastrian.

3) Age of children 15- 21 years. This is the phase that is full of teenage rebellious attitude. At this stage, ibubapa seeloknya approaching children to be friends with them. Banyakkan berborak and conversed with them about matters they face. For adolescent girls, berkongsilah with them about the story of the arrival of 'menstruation' them and their feelings at the time. Be listeners who are loyal to them. Had not agree with any of their actions, avoid rebuke or scold them, especially in front of the other brothers but use diplomacy approach even though we are their parents. Thus, there is no third person or 'foreign' will be present in their lives as a point of reference and listeners their problems. They will not be affected to leave the house to seek other pleasures as perceived that all happiness and pleasure have been there in the house with the family.

4) Age children 21 years old and up. This phase is the time to give the mother the father of whole-TRUST to children by giving FREEDOM in making their own decisions. Mother father only need to monitor, advise, accompanied by the prayer that every action taken they are correct. Starting from a true odyssey of their lives outside the home. Hopefully with all the discipline that honed since the 2nd stage before it becomes a fortress themselves enough for them. Fathers do not mother tired to advise them, because the sentence diucap advice as much as 200 times or more of the children were able to establish good behavior I like the mother father wanted.

Picked words of Prof. Dr. Muhaya in a live broadcast on the radio in a segment IKIM.fm 'Reset Minda People Quiet' recently,

"Look aktivititas or programs that provide quality benefits in the future with the children. Programs that emphasize family ties or 'family bonding time' is the best program in the 'pay' all the time and energy that we use to seek sustenance to children ".

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