Wants to get boy and girl child?
Why having Boys all ?(hard to get girls)
= Wife grumpy / crabby, the wife is very dominant in the household
Why haviing Daughters all ? (hard to get boys)
= grumpy husband, often in a hurry, the husband is very dominant in the household
mutual self-evaluation, realize the advantages and disadvantages of self and spouse,
mutual respect, use good adab (manners) to our spouse, parents and teachers
repair communication between wife and husband
apologize to God for all the sins and errors.
keep the obligatory prayers and prayers at the end of the night
= Wife grumpy / crabby, the wife is very dominant in the household
Why haviing Daughters all ? (hard to get boys)
= grumpy husband, often in a hurry, the husband is very dominant in the household
mutual self-evaluation, realize the advantages and disadvantages of self and spouse,
mutual respect, use good adab (manners) to our spouse, parents and teachers
repair communication between wife and husband
apologize to God for all the sins and errors.
keep the obligatory prayers and prayers at the end of the night