Why Children are naughty?

Human behavior is very dependent on the gene from both parents and the environment that shape.

One that is very difficult to change is inherited gene parents, if our children do not fit with what we expect, the first to be evaluated is what is in us.

Why Children are naughty?
His parents are often angry / irritable / emotions

Why Children's are fussy?
Before the birth of his son, one of his parents' love of fuss in the liver (irritated and silent)

Why Children's are unruly or aloof?
 One of the parents if no desire to be obeyed, If there is a problem like cranky

A child can be a saving grace or be a disaster, so it is important to pay attention to a child's development

Thus guiding the child is not just a matter of education, but how parents can pass on good properties.
- Children's education began when he was in the womb, by maintaining manner, doing good to others,
- After birth, giving the children an environment that supports the development of goodness in him. see also Luqman's Wisdom to teach his Son
- And always keep in mind that there is a spiritual connection with the child's parents, if the child wants good so parents should try to always be in his favor.
- Change yourself, God will change around us.

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