Toddlers ages 12 to 36 Months ( 1 - 3 years)

Toddlers ages 12 Months
At his first birthday, he was able to stand alone without holding. Child is clever use of equipment such as a toothbrush, comb and holding a bottle. Baby started to point at something with his index finger. In fact, your child can also replicate movements like patting the hand. One of the new social capabilities is waving goodbye or even mimicked 'kiss bye'

 Toddlers ages 13 Months
At this toddler age, the child requires a space that is more flexible, we could ask him to play in the park or in the garden so that they will not feel bored with being the commencement of exploration environments. Your children also began to try his first words plus a few words that he recognized.
He also knows how to communicate to other people for help fulfill her wish. When he wanted to get off the couch, he would point to the bottom, when she wanted milk will appoint a bottle of milk, and so on.

Toddlers ages 14 Months
The age range of these toddlers, they are able to respond through the chatter, mostly in the form of questions, commands, and short words as if he was able to converse. At this age they are very keen to feed themselves and learn to hold a spoon. Let alone even though sometimes we feel they will pollute the floor, clothing, as well as dining table, this is an exercise for them.
Motor skills that exist in the toddler age is he was able to stand on its own and then stand back bent. Other great things toddlers already started trying to climb the ladder, up the couch, and down the stairs.
He is good at stringing a few words and learn more every day. He also has an idea or initiative about what he wants and try to get there.

Toddlers ages 15 Months
Toddlers start walking alone quite well and may have been able to walk backwards. Squat to observe something that attracts attention on the floor, and some of them are able to run and play ball although with limited capabilities.
At toddler age, the child may be happy when invited to play pointed to parts of the body or designate pictures in the book.
In developing his personality he tends flexible and adapt easily to change and the environment. He is getting good at using a spoon or fork and is also clever enough to remove the socks he was wearing. So do not be surprised if they are going back and forth to release the socks themselves even though we repeatedly put it. Either because it was like a new capability or is your child does not like to wear socks.

Toddlers ages16 Month
At this age the child started to show the ability and desire to write using colored pencils, no wonder also if they explore the ability to doodle wall so you'll find them in the form of graffiti masterpiece Toddlers in the Wall House. In addition he also enjoys helping parents work at home like sweeping or helping to fix the bedroom.
Child development at this time is quite fast, he has started to run around and keen to go up and down stairs without assistance. Explore and find out everything and practicing new things like sitting alone in a chair, opened his own toy box, washing hands (even sangking their preoccupation even play water)

Toddlers ages17 Month
Toddlers have been able to say a group of words and quickly capture new words. In addition to understanding a sentence consisting of several words, children are able to develop communication using body movements, crying, or facial expression.
He chose as his favorite interactive games, you also should be observant in Choosing Baby 1 Year. He began to show interest in playing a role and want to be like my father or mother.
Because it runs smoothly as he pleased pull toy cars or a 3-wheel bike to accompany his walk.
At this age toddlers are often picky and just want certain foods. In general, if the child has new capabilities will typically experience difficulty nap because he was eager to try the new capabilities it constantly.

Toddlers ages 18 Months
Your toddler is now able to feed himself with a spoon and fork for kids. However, toddlers are able to refuse the food he did not like. In the development of his personality, a little like looking for attention and happy to repeat the behavior that we praise, but he was easily upset and frustrated when you feel tired and sleepy.
Your children also had good at choosing a toy, she will prefer to play your mobile phone or tablet rather than playing with toys, but you also erlu vigilant because at this age they still love to slam the goods which he held for the study of causation.

Toddlers ages 19 Months
Toddlers rigors increasingly shown a willingness to do everything himself and begin to understand to have the goods themselves. He is more skilled walked, up and down stairs, and began to run.

Toddlers ages 20 Months
Toddlers at this time has begun fond kicking game and throw the ball. Their behavior is more aggressive. Sometimes they would hit, push, bite, or pull his friend. Facing this kind of thing you should not immediately get angry, but give sense to the patient, then they will be more understanding and according to what you say. You can explain to them that 'if the hit was sick, his ntar cry you know, khan sorry ...' Learn to cope with aggressive children can see in the article "Understand the Child Behavior '.
Child is able to pull off his own clothes with a little help Mother. Your children also have started to drink from the glass better. In addition, he also was able to combine two words or more words to form a short phrase

Toddlers ages 21 Months
Motor development of the child is now more developed in line with the maturity of the nervous system and muscles. Each simple movements they do is the result of a complex interaction patterns. Dpada this period they began wanting to rearrange the furniture in the house and are willing to help the housework. Sometimes they also look diligently tidy up cluttered room.
Toddlers begin to take the initiative in play, he can charge a small object or favorite toy with your thumb or forefinger. And very pleased to play a musical instrument simple. Even at this age, she can wear their own clothes, washing and drying her hands.
Toddlers are no longer using diapers and already know when he wants to go to the toilet when going to urinate or defecate. You can see also the article 'How to Stop the Use of Diapers'.

Toddlers ages 22 Months
The age of 22 months toddler begins to have a smart idea to achieve something, such as clicking a goal-kan ball while playing football with his peers, play cars 'Hotwheels' in its tracks, etc.
Toddlers today pleased climbing, jumping, and running. Mother will certainly feel fatigue in watching them for fear of falling toddlers, but Mother did not have to worry because they already know how to protect himself from harm.
Currently the game is more developed than boo preferred to hide and seek. Therefore, he wanted someone to find it even if his hideout is not very hidden and even they will giggle at the sight of his friends were looking for him, it is where cuteness their ...

Toddlers ages 23 Months
At the age of 23 months, he began delighted ruled, for example, says 'fetch', 'watching TV', or 'no', and other common vocabulary they hear. At this age toddlers vocabulary growing very fast. Speak well by using a few words.
At this age the child is also starting to like muttering hum though probably still not clear what he sings. Most toddlers at this age have learned to draw a circle and make a line. In addition he is also clever enough to turn on the television and the remote play and learn peel fruit such as oranges or bananas (although not perfect)
Toddlers also have started trying to imitate his brother play and joined in the games played brother or friends in the neighborhood

24 Month Baby's Development
At this stage of your baby's development at this time, he has begun to interact so that they prefer to play with other children. Maybe there will find that your toddler to be possessive of his toys so that it looks 'stingy' because they do not want to lend the toy to his friend. It is reasonable koq Bun, does not mean the child stingy ya.
Toddlers at this age will be encouraged to be more advanced when getting praise, so you can easily teach new things to them, because they like to repeat an action that has received widespread praise.
His memory will increase so that it prompted him to launch her language skills and learn new words more quickly.
Bedwetting habit toddlers at this age has begun to diminish, you can teach them to go to the toilet. In some toddlers may have been inspired by his friend are more likely to imitate their bowel habits.
At this time is right for you to start the first step to Stop the Use of Diapers your toddler.

Developments Baby 25-26 Months
At the current stage of development of the baby, the child was able to run well. Even stride is more to the heel and toe mastery as an adult. He was getting good at jumping, climbing, throwing a ball, brush your teeth without help, and washing and drying hands.
Your toddler has started learning to compose a simple sentence with the introduction of approximately 50 single word. He also was able to follow commands such as, "Please pass me the remote, huh ...".
Body proportion is also growing. Give him a chance to play outside to help develop strength and coordination body in order to be fully developed.
Their sleep needs also began to decrease between 9 to 13 hours a day.

Developments Baby 27-28 Months
Your toddler can already play small objects such as the block puzzle game, opening the book sheets, holding a glass of his own, playing robot puzzle, etc.
The little one began to develop the ability to control his actions. At this age they are still vulnerable to negative actions such as pushing, shouting and rampaging even against a playmate. You do not need to worry, just remind them gently, they will be in than if we remind them in a rough way.

Stage Childhood Development 29-30 Months
At this age, your child's development has to be able to identify and name some body parts when we ask. Such 'Come adek, try where his nose?'. Likewise also with the introduction of the image that we show, this time he was able to correctly mention a few of the images that we handed. In the motor, the balance of the body has also been growing rapidly, he might have been able to stand on one leg without falling for some time.
Childhood development is also quite fast in trying to explore their verbal skills. Toddlers this age are able to combine the two words such as 'Daddy come home' Furthermore, to develop their capabilities you should help to complete the words with many additional sentences for them digest and understand. For example, 'Yeah, Dad comes home from the office, working for Milk beliin adek'. With the additional help of your information, your child will learn to increase vocabulary skills and understanding their language.
Currently, your toddler have also begun to learn independently with trying to brush his teeth alone. In this case of course you still have to help him brush your teeth to be clean, but also give time for them to try themselves after we brush his teeth, so they will try to explore with this new capability.
Your toddler also has started to draw a circle shape. I had my second son asked, what this picture? He replied 'Moon'. In addition to recognizing and drawing shapes, they also are able to identify what they are describing.
In addition to some new intelligence above, the development of your toddler age children in this stage also has tried to begin to learn to release and put on his own clothes, he also was able to mention a few colors, and can name his friends one by one.

Stage Childhood Development 31-32 Months.
Your toddler now has a lot of vocabulary that may not have ever expected. When we asked, they will try to answer with a series of words, although not so perfect. It is better if we join enhance linguistic structure and usually they will learn to follow. And one day he would try stringing words with more complex structures.
The ability of your toddler at this stage of childhood development at this time, he was able to mention his own name and also could mention the names Father and Her mother. Currently the child is also more agile move and can stand on one leg alternately. He also has more could brush their own teeth properly and will offer to brush her teeth without help.
In addition to the above capabilities, the child today are familiar with adjectives and was able to draw the shape of a cross. He also has begun to understand the function and usability of a place or a thing. For example he was able to say 'pee into the toilet', etc.

Childhood Development phase 33-34 months
Ahead of their birthday 3rd, toddler began wanting to understand the social environment, trying to understand the motivation of those around him. They began to have an awareness of other people's moods through increased awareness of their emotions. They may be asked if they see His father seemed angry and less pleasure in what he does. Or it may be asked why his friend was crying, and the like. For that as parents also have to be very clever to provide insight and understanding of what is happening.
Your toddler stage of development of children of this age have also begun to be interested in socializing, maybe they will play to a neighboring house that no child her age or invite friends to play with him. They have also begun to understand that sharing a toy or food is part of their convenience to be able to socialize.
The current stage of development of the child is beginning to look more intensely to start chatting with a friend his age or attempted to communicate using more complex wording. Currently own words can be understood more clearly. They also are able to express a variety of emotional expressions such as happy, sad, angry, etc.

Childhood Development phase 35-36 months
Its ability to draw in this stage of child development has also been more perfect, they probably could have tried to draw a circle shape of the face even though only accompanied dots and streaks in it. This picture of what? She said another ghost images. Funny children's imagination ...

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