Miswak for verily it is the purification for the mouth

The miswak (miswaak, siwak, sewak, السواك) is a teeth cleaning twig made from the Salvadora persica tree (known as arak in Arabic). A traditional alternative to the modern toothbrush, it has a long, well-documented history and is reputed for its medicinal benefits.[1] It also features prominently in Islamic hygienical jurisprudence.

The miswak is predominant in Muslim-inhabited areas. It is commonly used in the Arabian peninsula, the Horn of Africa, North Africa, parts of the Sahel, the Indian subcontinent, Central Asia and Southeast Asia. In Malaysia, miswak is known as Kayu Sugi (Malay for 'chewing stick').

It is often mentioned that the Islamic Prophet Muhammad recommended the miswak's use. He is quoted in various hadith extolling its virtues:[2][3]
“     "Were it not that I might over-burden the Believers I would have ordered them to use Siwak (Miswak) at the time of every Prayer."[1]     ”
“     "Four things are from among the practices of the Prophets: Circumcision, Perfume, Miswak, and Marriage."[1]     ”
“     "Make a regular practice of Miswak for verily it is the purification for the mouth and a means of the pleasure of the Lord."[1]     ”

A 2003 scientific study comparing the use of miswak with ordinary toothbrushes concluded that the results clearly were in favor of the users who had been using the miswak, provided they had been given proper instruction in how to brush using it.[4] However, the study's sample size was only fifteen people, calling into question its statistical significance. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommended the use of the miswak in 1986 and in 2000 an international consensus report on oral hygiene concluded that further research was needed to document the effect of the miswak.[5]

Dr. Rami Mohammed Diabi,[6] who spent more than 17 years researching the effects of miswak on health, and especially its anti-addiction effects on smokers (curative and preventive sides), has opened a field of science and research with his last publication: "Miswak Medicine Theory" or Sewak Puncture medicine[7] which led him to what is called Beyond Sewak: World of Science and Research.[8] Miswak also is contributing in the fight against desertification,[9] thereby affecting our environment and global climate.

Benefits of Miswak

  1. Kills Gum disease causing bacteria.
  2. Fights plaque effectively. The bark contains an antibiotic which surpresses the growth of bacteria and the formation of plaque. Research shows that regular use of miswak significantly reduces plaque, gingivitis and growth of cariogenic bacteria.
  3. Possesses strong antibacterial properties.
  4. If used regularly on a daily basis, it whitens & brightens the teeth leaving them with a shiny glow
  5. Removes Bad breath and odor from mouth & creates a pleasant fragrance.
  6. The Minerals in this root or twig include potassium, sodium,  chloride, sodium bicarbonate and calcium oxides.These ingredients all strengthen the tooth enamel.
  7. Does all the above naturally without the need of any additional products such as toothpaste
  8. Helps to effectively clean between teeth due to its parallel bristles. Acting as a floss as well as a toothbrush.
  9. Increases salivation & inhibits the dry mouth (Xerostomia)
  10. 100% organic & natural alternative to toothpaste for those avoiding fluoride products, believing them to be dangerous & harmful.
  11. Improves & preserves the taste buds.
  12. Reduces stains from tobacco products, coffee and tea.
  13. The form & convenient shape of the Miswak makes it easier to get into those hard to reach places, that a standard toothbrush is too big for. It also massages the gums for healthier teeth.
  14. Due to the advantage of cutting off the used tip, the Miswak can be reused again & again until it gets too short to hold appropriately. Saving you money on those extra brushes.
  15. Miswak is a cure for toothache and improves the sense of taste.
  16. Miswak sharpens the memory & is a cure for headaches.
  17. Assists in digestion & clears the voice.
  18. The greatest benefit of using Miswak is gaining the pleasure of Allah.The reward of Salaah (Prayers) is multiplied 70 times if Miswak was used before it.

source : http://theislamicestablishment.com/blog/benefits-of-using-the-miswak-chewing-stick/ and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miswak

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