three different levels of du`a

There are three different levels of du`a that are facing three different levels of affliction. Du`a is the weapon of the believer, the way you kill the enemy:
1) ad-du`a silaah al-mu'min, the du`a is the weapon of the believer.
2) ad-du`a`imad ad-deen, like salaat, du`a is the pillar of religion.
3) ad-du`a nooru ’s-samawaati wa 'l-ard, and it is the Light of Heavens and Earth as mentioned by Prophet (s).

So du`a can take away everything and it can give you Noor of Heavens and Earth! It can be used as a weapon against Shaytan for what he does against your soul, and it will remove the bad desires and be a weapon against your sickness and a pillar for your religion!

Al-balaa'u thalaatha maqaamaat, he mentioned three levels of du`a that are facing three different levels of affliction:
1) One is the du`a that is stronger than the affliction and it will remove the affliction. That is why you need a guide, a shaykh that gives you strong du`a that will throw the affliction away.
2) The du`a that you didn’t seek advice of a shaykh or wali to tell you which du`a you have to use against the balaa doesn't have power to take away the affliction, and therefore, the affliction will get stronger and take over.
3) The du`a and the affliction are equal in power and there will be a struggle. As long as you continue with your du`a, the affliction will be struggling and not cause you to fall down and as you increase in du`a that affliction will begin to decrease and disappear. 

Allah (swt) will like that so keep asking, “Yaa Rabb, yaa Rabb (help me)!” Allah likes that and keep bugging (pestering)!  “Insisting” is not the right word; Prophet (s) said “al-muliheen” is the one who overdoes it, so bug Paradise, bug the angels! “Allah, yaa Allah, yaa Allah, yaa Allah!” then Allah will say, “Yaa `Abdee, O My servant!” So Sayyida `Ayesha (r) said the Prophet (s) said that Allah likes the one who is always bugging, insisting, overdoing in asking Him. Therefore, O Muslims, O believers, O mu’min! Keep bugging, keep asking and keep praying and making du`as and you will be cured from many physical and spiritual sicknesses that you know or don't even perceive. 

Wa min Allahi 't-tawfeeq, bi hurmati 'l-habeeb, bi hurmati 'l-Fatihah.

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JazakAllahu khayr.

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