Wonderful sleep and the benefit

how sleep the prophet ? 
>>>Sleeping position is skewed to the right hand, then he turned back rests slightly on the left sideso that the digestive process is faster.then he went back to sleep again rests on the right side, so that the food is immediately dissolved from the hull. Sleep onset and final position rests on the right side. Another benefit derived from the position of the bed tilted to the right.

The following will say about the sleeping prophet
1. wudu' (ablution) before sleep
al-Bara' ibn 'Azib reported: 'The Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said to me, 'Whenever you go to bed, do wudu' as you do wudu' for the prayer .
2. Shake off bed three times before lying down based on the hadith of Abu Hurairah ra that the Prophet of Allah said, "If one of you will sleep in his bed, then let it wag fabric bedfirst, because he did not know what was on it ..."In the history said,"Three times."
3. Lie to the right
Al-Bara' ibn 'Azib said, "When the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, used to retire to his bed, he would lie on his right side and then say, 'O Allah, I surrender my soul to You and I turn my face to You and I entrust my affair to You and I seek Your support with hope and fear of You. There is no refuge from You but to You. I have believed in Your Book which You sent down and Your Prophet whom You sent.'"

4. Do not sleep on his stomach
Abu Dzarz said, "The Prophet once passed by me, at that moment I was face down, then the prophet woke me with his footas he said," O Junaidab (call Abu Dhar), actually lie down like this(stomach) is how to lay the Fire. "
5. Close doors, windows, and put out the fire and the lights beforebed
From Jabir ra narrated that the Messenger of Allah has indeedsaid, "turn off the lights at night when you go to sleep, close thedoor, close it tightly vessels and close the food and drinks."
"And among His Signs is the sleep that ye take by night and by day, and the quest that ye (make for livelihood) out of His Bounty: verily in that are signs for those who hearken"
"And made your sleep for rest"

The Benefit
For  airway,

bed tilted backward to prevent the collapse of the tongue that can obstruct the airway. % Ain the case if
sleep in the supine position, the relaxation of the tongue during sleep can lead to blockage of the airway, the appearance from the outside in the form of snoring. 
•For  heart, Bed tilted to the right hand makes the heart not affected other organs because the heart position that is located more to the left. Bed rests on the left side causing excessive cardiac output due to blood enteringatrium
too much, because the lung and the right lung is above the lung and the right lung while getting the blood supply that is more than lung and left lung.
 •For healthlungs, Lung and the left lung is smaller than the lung and the right lung. 'Ika bed tilted to the right hand, the heart will fall to the right hand, it is not a problem because large lung and right lung, another case that rests on the left, will hit the heart and left lung lungs are small. 

Straighten his back during sleep, the benefit is that the organs and internal organs are not depressed, the position also blood circulation. 

Slightly bent legs. (Refugees from slightly bent legs is to relax muscles and abdominal muscles, making them easier to examine. Bend legs slightly at bedtime to help organs and organ and abdominal muscles themselves more perfect for relaxation. So we sleep more comfortably.)Using the palm of the hand as a pillow. would often hear that the position of the neck greatly affect the quality of sleep. % Eher is not straight during sleep cause neck pain while awake and usually settle for some time that it interferes with the activity. Holy of holiesGod

which creates hand such that if we see people sleeping

with the palm of the hand as a cushion between the head, neck and back create a straight line.

using https://translate.google.co.id : http://www.academia.edu/6243306/Manfaat_tidur_ala_Rasulullah, http://healthy4muslim.blogspot.com/2011/01/sleeping-of-rasulullah.html

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