Make people to live, make people to be in safety, make people to be happy, make people to be in peace.

O people, ask forgiveness from Allah!

Destur, ya Sayyidi
Meded, Meded, ya Rijalallah…
Audhu bi-llahi mina shaitani rajim
Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim,
La haula wa la quwatta illa bi-llahi-l ‘Aliyu-l ‘Azim.

To be our bodies fresh and strong… people (are) thinking that (the) refreshment of our bodies it is from our care for our eating and drinking. It is not true! Material is something no life on it; that belongs (to) our physical being, (and) our physical being (is) from earth. And first Allah Almighty created our form from clay; it was perfect, (a) perfect creation, but it was (only) lying (there) and you are looking to it (and) only it is a clay form - never moving, never seeing, never speaking, never hearing- it was like a statue.

When Allah Almighty (was) asking (for it) to stand up and to do, what he has been ordered (to do), (He was) giving from His Holy Breath; breathing, blowing in it and it is our spirituality. (He was) giving us spirituality and spirituality (was) coming from head to down, going on that form, (and) anywhere (that was) reaching (the) Holy Breathing of Allah Almighty, (it was) beginning to look, to see, to hear, to listen, to speak, to move. That (was) beginning with that Holy Blowing.

That means: our power that (is) giving our material being life and to stand up, it belongs to Heavens, it is not something from our material world, no. (The) material world (is) giving our clay form, but our real being (is) standing up with that Heavenly Blowing from Allah Almighty.

But people in our days, they (are) never thinking on it. They are thinking that our material being - that it is our physical being - may stand up by eating and drinking. They think so, therefore for every occasion they are asking to support our physical being with some material aspects, some materially.

Therefore doctors are not using anything from heavenly (means) and from our spirituality for curing our weakness, for curing our sickness or illness. It is wrong, big wrong from… In our days atheist ideas (are) just covering everywhere. They are teaching everywhere atheist ideas and it is so wrong! Therefore now we can’t be able to bring a peace to people, we are never going to bring some goodness for people, therefore they are not able to bring solutions for (the) troubles of mankind, therefore they are not going to be able to bring a comfort and confidence and satisfaction and peace through mankind!

No, because they are not using (the) Heavenly Powers, (the) Heavenly Grants that Allah Almighty just granted to ourselves. They are saying: “That (is) useless; we can do everything through materiality.” That is biggest wrong of mankind, therefore they are falling in endless troubles - personally and commonly, on (a) personal level or communal level. They are not able to bring any peace to people, and people, Alayhissalam you are looking, everywhere they are in trouble. They are not happy, because they have so many troubles and materialism and atheism can’t be able to take away from them that troubles.

That is a very important point, because they are denying everything about spirituality, they are saying: “No spirituality.”

I was in New York, before several years, and it was suitable to go and to see (the) UN building. There was someone that she was asking to take ourselves to see inside and we went in. And some of our brothers they were saying: “O Sheikh, we (were) yet not praying Zuhr. Let us to pray in a corner inside of (the) building, then we shall follow you.” I said: “Doesn’t matter, go!” They were beginning to pray and two - like polar bears or forest bears - guardians (were) running on them, attacking on them, rushing on them, saying: “What you are doing? Get out! You don’t know that (in) this place (there is) no Allah? No Allah (is) entering here!” I said: “Audhu bi-llah, Audhu bi-llah, Audhu bi-llah!” Those people (are) asking to bring peace and solutions for mankind? Those people - tuuu (the Sheikh is spitting) on all of them! - (they are) cursed people! (And) everyone going in it, also (they are) cursed ones! They are asking… and people (are) thinking: “Ohhh - United Nations, they are giving some decision, making this, making that…” Ohhh! United Nations, they are with Shaytan, not with Allah!

Up today… I was born and from my age that I may understand something - sometimes newspapers (were) coming here also and (the) newspaper was only 15 days once coming - and there was, at the beginning of nations, United Nations, it was in Geneve, Switzerland, it was there, ‘Jamiati l-Aqwam’; (in) Arabic that means: United Nations… 1925 up today- how much it is?... 80 years?... 80 years this United Nations they are coming together and (they are) discussing and arguing and quarreling and fighting inside and outside…

Up today I never heard that (the) UN (is) bringing a solution for that problem, for that troubles. (No), but they are making (it) to get up; to be small troubles for them getting to be big troubles. That is, because they are worshipping Shaytan!
I left very angry and (I was) cursing them and I (was) getting out…

I am sorry that Arabs and Turks and Iranians and Pakistan, Egyptians… that they may be (altogether) 45 states, they are yet members in such a cursed place! What we shall say for such a Jamiat? How you can expect that they are bringing something for the benefit of mankind and their teachers, their guides, their leaders (are) Shaytan(s)?

Look, now, what (is) happening now? Man (is) eating man, man (is) killing man - that (it is the) biggest cursed sin to kill a person and no reason! Even shariat (is) never giving a permit to kill an ant, if (it is) not giving a trouble or harming!
Because He created everything on earth; (the) Creator, our Lord Allah Almighty, He created to live on earth ants, scorpions, snakes, lions, birds, fish… countless kinds of creatures He created to be on earth - till one of them (is) giving trouble. (Then, so the) shariat (is) saying, you may kill it or - without reason - you can’t kill!

Where is mankind, humanity, that they are top cream? Top cream: when you are boiling milk, (it is) going on it cream… Mankind, through creation they are chosen, most precious creatures - how you can kill it? Particularly - how you can kill innocent ones? And (the) Prophet (was) saying - sallaLlahu alayhi wa sallam - that Allah Almighty’s anger (is) getting more and more on those tyrants or oppressors that they are killing without a reason women, children, old ones and praying people and also animals!

O people, 21st century people just lost their ways, (and) therefore (the) Divinely anger (is) approaching now, till - (the) Divinely anger may know whom they are (the) oppressors - they should be taken away!

O people, keep the rights of humanity! Keep (the) rights of mankind, keep (to) give your kindness and mercy and pity for creatures, particularly mankind! Try to give life, don’t try to kill! Make people to live, don’t make them to die! That is humanity! That is, what Islam (is) bringing to mankind! (The) last message from Allah Almighty (is): Make people to live, make people to be in safety, make people to be happy, make people to be in peace.

That is Islam, but Shaytan (is) changing, changing, changing (it), making Islam so hated, hated way. But they are all wrong! Therefore I never like that (the) Islamic world (is) following western countries! (The) first punishment therefore (is) coming on (the) Islamic world and you are looking that fire just burned through islamic countries, because they are not following heavenly Orders!

May Allah forgive us!

O people, come to real Islam and keep yourself! Don’t get out; everyone (who is) getting out, they should be shot down, they should be killed, they should be taken away!...

May Allah forgive us!

Ask forgiveness: Astaghfirullah, Astaghfirullah, Astaghfirullah! Now from Divinely anger sign, look: (the) whole world this year (is) dry. Dry, it is not a sign of happiness of Allah for His servants, no! He is not happy with His servants, (with) what they are doing, therefore (He is) closing, closing down (the) Mercy Oceans from Heavens (not) to come on earth and everywhere now they are fearing from dry!

They are thinking: “Yes, sometimes happened such a draught”; so many times - that it is written through our Holy Books - that happened. Even some knowledge (is) reaching to me from old books, from awliyas, that people they were in such a bad conditions that they were going around cemeteries and trying to open some graves, thinking that: “That one, just (he was) buried soonerly - we may find on that dead body some flesh to eat”…

O people, fear from Allah! He may do everything! Where is your technology to bring (rain), if Allah Almighty (is) keeping His Mercy from up? If He is keeping, not rains to rain - where is your technology to bring rains? They are saying: “(The) wells (are) dry now, going to be dry!”… Allah Allah! And sometimes it was going to be so several years also…

And I was knowing some knowledge from about Mehdi - alayhi salam, the Saviour of mankind, Mehdi - alayhi salam - and then Saviour Sayyidina Jesus Christ: before they are coming, (there) should be a draught…I am fearing this… not to be this, but (it) must be, because Mehdi - alayhi salam - must come!… Coming and Jesus Christ (is) waiting; from up asking to come down. By His Lord’s Order, not by his (own) order, no! He is looking and seeing what Christians (are) doing about Christianity and he was so sorry, looking that people (are) making New Year… He was so sorry to look and asking: “O, those people, whom they are thinking that they are following me - do you think that I have ordered to you to make New Year or Christmas? What is that?” He is sorry, he is sorry, crying… but people are drunk…
May Allah forgive us!

O people, come and accept truth and reality, to be under Heavenly Protection. If not, you should be taken away…

May Allah forgive us - for the honor of the Seal of Prophets, (the) most praised, most glorious servant of Allah Almighty, Sayyidina Rasulullah - sallaLlahu alayhi wa sallam,


Islam Is Mercy, Not Harm

Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Adil al Haqqani

Sohba on 01.14.2007

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